Coach fleck has been in Kalamazoo for four years and has experienced a wide range of emotions that completely and perfectly describe all of our feelings during our final exams, before winter break and more importantly three to four weeks with zero school work.
1. When your professor tells you the exam is cumulative
2. And you attend the exam review and still don't understand what's gonna be on it
3. The exam is about to start and you actually feel completely prepared
4. ...Then you get the final and realize you know a lot less than you thought
5. And it's full of information that you never learned or have even heard of
6. But you have to find some way to get through it
7. And the kid next to you just won't stop coughing
8. So you take a deep breath and give yourself a pep talk
9. You start to get it together and work your way through it
10. Finally, you manage to finish the exam and turn it in
11. And now it's time for a month off from all school related work
However, you are feeling this week, whether it's one or all of these emotions, hang in there! You are, at most, a week away from freedom! You can do it! Oh yeah and don't forget....ROW THE BOAT!