Dear John Enochs (or, in wider known terms, "IU Frat Rapist"),
In October of 2013 and April of 2015, you raped two different women at two separate parties. You were a member of Delta Tau Delta at Indiana University. You were supposed to embody a smart college man with a future ahead of him. Instead, you took something precious from two women, something that they will never get back.
You stole their sense of self-worth and safety. These women will never live their lives the way that they used to. They will never forget the night that was supposed to be full of dancing and fun but instead was marked by confusion and disgust. These women were brave and they thought that the judicial system would give them a sense of security after this tragedy. Instead, you were let on the loose with nothing but a small probation sentence to serve. That sentence is nothing compared to what these women will serve: a life full of memories and pain caused by what you did to them.
You have a straight face in your mug shot. You’re wearing a smug look on your face and a striped shirt.
These women will look at this mug shot that's plastered all over the news, and they will remember hours of pain, hours of confusion, months of repeating the same sentences over and over again, years of pain and questioning that will always accompany them.
You will serve your time. You will find a job. You will move on with your life. You will not have to look back at a time of pain and sorrow like these women will.
Dear anonymous judge,
You have given a lenient sentence to John Enochs. You could have given him 16 years, but you gave him one year of probation; one year in comparison to the lifetime of pain that these girls will face. How dare you?
You have shown the nation and the world that rapists can still be let off easy for such a sickening crime, even in a time of progressive equality. Like Brock Turner (the Stanford Rapist), John Enochs was let off easy. Like Brock Turner’s judge, you turned a vicious crime into an easy punishment. You are part of the reason that a mere 11 percent of women report their rapes to the police, and in turn, less than 10 percent of rapists face criminal charges for their crimes.
However, I want to thank you. Because you gave this man little to nothing for his crime, you have given survivors, activists and the world the chance to speak out about rape and sexual assault. You have showed the world that there is a problem with our system. There is a problem with the way that rape and sexual assault is handled. Because of you, activists and survivors will continue to fight this.
A fed up survivor and activist