I grew up with two loving parents who have been there for me my entire life, and who have made me who I am today. I would like to take the time to explain how I was raised, because lately it feels like we live in a world full of people who don't seem to be raised right.
I was raised to be respectful to everyone I meet. It doesn't matter if they are a complete stranger or someone who I've known my whole life, everyone deserves the same respect. I was raised to be kind to strangers and people I know alike. Kindness to strangers can improve their day, and you don't necessarily know what that person is going through and kindness could be all they need. I was raised to be an honest person, no matter how hard the truth may be to tell, it is always better than a lie.
I was raised to believe in God, but never to shove my religion in other's faces. I was told to be mindful that even though everyone may not believe in God, or have the same beliefs as I do, it doesn't make them less of a person. I was raised not to judge anyone based on their beliefs, their sexual orientation or their race. I was raised to judge someone on their actions and their character, not what they look like or how they live. I was raised to believe that we are all humans who make mistakes and should live without judgement. I was raised to know that a person's past should not define or dictate their future.
I was raised to believe in my country, no matter how crazy it may be at the time. I was raised to respect the military, because without them we would not have the luxury of safety. I was raised to respect the law and to be a proud American.
I was raised to know the value of a dollar. I was not given everything I asked for just because I wanted something, yet whenever they could, my parents would always provide for me with everything they could. I was raised to understand that working hard is how to make money and how to support yourself. I was raised to appreciate the money I make by not being handed everything I want on a silver platter. I was raised to give to others who have nothing because we all need to help each other.
I was raised to stay strong in my beliefs, but to have an open ear to what others have to say. I was raised to listen to the other person's side, even if I don't agree, because they might change my mind. I was raised to believe that hearing out others is what makes you smarter. I was raised to be mindful of others opinions and respect their beliefs if I expect them to do the same for me.
I was raised to be who I am at all costs, and to stand up for what I believe in. I was told to always stand up for someone else, because everyone needs someone to help them. I was raised not to let others dictate who I am or who I become. I was told never to waver in my confidence because I am who I am, and I am who I was raised to be.