It’s hard to believe that a random person that someone has never met could help them feel happier and fill their hearts with light that they didn’t think they could on their own. For people immersed in the world of fandoms, this is a reality. That is my reality.
Going into my first year of college, I was excited. The thought of being independent and going to school with my best friend was the coolest thing ever. My excitement was quickly dashed on my first night there when I realized that college isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The family-like atmosphere, the joy of freedom, the fun I was supposed to be having, it just wasn’t there. I was probably the most depressed I had ever been. I cried every day and couldn’t do anything about it. I was stuck.
Within my first couple weeks of school, I was just browsing YouTube. I had run out of things to watch, and was basically just trying to click on the first semi-interesting looking video that I saw. That video was called “Kids Calling Parents to Say ‘I Love You.’” I was immediately intrigued. I had never seen any Youtuber do anything like that. Before long, I had watched every video on their channel. Some made me laugh, others taught me such valuable lessons. I was undeniably a fan of all of it. It was on that day that I joined the Sam and Colby family.
After that, I was already happier than I had been. Sam and Colby made me smile when I didn’t feel like it, but what really helped me didn’t come into my life until October 17th. That is when I joined The Life Project. The Life Project is an online community of people that support each other through everything. It also teaches many life lessons that you can’t get just from sitting in a classroom. After joining the family in The Life Project, my life really did change. Slowly but surely, I have become a more happy, healthy person because of the lessons that Sam, Colby and everyone else has taught me. Everyone in TLP are truly some of the most supportive, loving humans I have ever come in contact with. I am blessed to be a part of the family.
I still have my days. Mental illness is something that I struggle with everyday, and college is not helpful. Any college student could agree that school is stressful, troubling, and sometimes doesn’t feel worth it. Since my first semester, I have gotten better. I am at the end of my second semester now, and while I still have a lot to learn, I have grown so much with the help of Sam and Colby as well as the friends that I have made through being in this family. It is because of them that I can now say that I am truly happy. I have been able to make so many positive changes in my life over the past six months. I have found myself and found the courage to change my life for the better. Who knew that two dudes from the internet (and Hannah) could help to make a person so happy?
Don't forget to check out their duo channel, Sam's channel, and Colby's channel.