When I carried your water with you, I realized that I take water for granted.
You never truly recognize the value of water until you carry your own. I use water consistently and never appreciated the significance of it in my daily life. Thank you for showing me the value of something that others pray for.
When I held you in my arms, I saw that love has no language barrier.
Even though we couldn't exchange many words, I still understood you. It was your contagious giggles, wholesome hugs, and soft little kisses that spoke for you.
When I saw your smiles, I was reminded that happiness is not monetary.
It is not materialistic or commercial things you cherish. It is the simple things, and your smiles shine all the brighter.
When I spoke with you, I was inspired by your dreams.
You were fifteen years old, and we met in your English class. You had the biggest smile when you fluently translated to me about your aspirations of becoming a nurse so you can help people. Thank you for demonstrating that no dream is too big.
When I prayed with you, I acknowledged and appreciated my own blessings.
The power of your faith was captivating, inspiring, and contagious. I pray that your faith brings you blessings and health to your family. Thank you for encouraging me to appreciate my own blessings before I call on new ones.
When I left you, I felt a piece of me leave, too.
Haiti, your faith is as strong as your mountains, your love runs as deep as your waters, and your hope is as beautiful as your people. Thank you for reminding me what is truly important.
I can not wait to be showered by your love again some day,
Orevwa pou kounye a, Ayiti.