I am currently writing this article in Orange Beach, Alabama at a Train concert. When I was 13 years old I saw them for the first time at the same amphitheater. That was five years ago. That night was the absolute highlight of my life. I mean they completely rocked the show. I was with my mom, my dad, and my Uncle Phillip. We had so much fun being together and listening to this amazing band! We were having an absolute blast! When we left the concert, however, that was a different story.
We got into our car and started heading home when we got the phone call. My Pawpaw had called and told us that my Mawmaw had died. So we turned around and started heading up to their house. I had to call 911 and let them know what was going on. I remember flying down the road and almost breaking the toll booth's barrier. When we got to the house the ambulance had just left so we did a u-turn in the middle of the grass and headed up to the hospital. We caught up with the ambulance and followed it the rest of the way.
I barely remember being at the hospital. It was like time didn't exist there. We stayed all night long in this room that had one couch and there was no word on her until morning. I remember that she had to stay there for 3 days before they "pulled the plug". I went to the hospital every single day. Then on September 1 my Dad checked me out of school to go be with her while she left. We sang her to Heaven. All of us stood around her bed and sang gospel till she passed.
Immediately after her death we went and bought Train's album called "Save Me San Fransisco". I listened to it over and over and over for months. It was like anytime I heard one of their songs it brought me back to the night before she died. For that small period of time, she was alive.
So when I heard they were coming back to town I went and bought a front row ticket and got there 45 minutes early. I bought a t-shirt and I made sure my phone was fully charged so I could take millions of pictures and videos. The whole time during that concert I felt like I was 13 again. That my Mawmaw was still here. I kept thinks all I had to do was look over and my Uncle would be sitting there listening to them with me. Just like we did that night. But he wasn't there and she can't be brought back.
It's hard having both of them gone. I mean in less than 24 hours I'll be on my way to Faulkner to my new home and they won't be there. All my achievements won't be witnessed by them. It tears a whole inside my heart every time I remember that. Not to get super sappy but I miss them terribly. I know that one day I'll see them again, but hopefully, that won't be anytime soon. But being at that concert tonight reminded me of happy times with them. It reminded me that I can be happy and that it's okay to mourn. I just have to make sure I don't become consumed by the grief. I'm so glad that I was able to go to this and remember.