Summer is in full swing, and that can mean a lot of things. People are enjoying their favorite summer activities. Since moving to Orlando, I have discovered that one of my favorite things to do in July and August is to go to the movies. As summer gets into full swing in Orlando, it often gets as hot as 105 degrees. So, what better place to hide from the heat than the theatre? It's dark and comfortable, and the air conditioning is always blasting. You can bring friends, get lots of snacks, and settle in for a few hours of relaxation out of the sun. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind while you're enjoying this summer's blockbusters so that you're not ruining them for everyone else.
1. Answering your phone
First and foremost, your phone should always be on silent in the movie theatre. If you are expecting an important call, or you need to be able to answer it for other reasons, put it on vibrate and exit the theatre before answering. Your ringing, dinging phone, or your friendly chat can be very rude to other movie goers. It pulls them out of the experience and makes the film less enjoyable. Now, texts aren't quite the same, but again, you should keep your phone on silent or vibrate, and you really shouldn't answer your texts in the theatre either. No, you won't be making noise, but the light from your screen can be very distracting to the people in your immediate vicinity. Just unplug for a little while.
2. Talking to your neighbor
We all know that going to the movies is more fun with other people. You get huge groups together, or you go on a date. However, as said before, the other theatre patrons do not want to hear your conversation. It's rude and distracting. Even if it's about the movie, save the discussion for the lobby, or the restaurant. or the car ride home. Just do your best to keep it quiet and respectful.
3. Shouting at the movie screen
We all get caught up in the movie. Sometimes we want to scream at the villain or cheer for the hero. Sometimes we want to boo or clap. I have been guilty of this too. I screamed in the theatre at the premiere of "Infinity War". However, it's not very considerate to the other people in the theatre with you. They don't really want to be pulled out of the experience to listen to you. It yanks them back to reality and makes the movie less enjoyable.
4. Kicking the seat in front of you
I am guilty of putting my feet up on the seat in front of me. It's just the most comfortable way to sit- unless you're in one of those theatres with the big fancy, reclining chairs like Cinemark. However, if you have someone sitting in the seat in front of you, don't put your feet up. Don't kick their chair. This is super impolite and really annoying for the people around you. No one wants to spend a movie being kicked in the back or head by you. They paid a lot of money for this movie ticket, and they deserve to be comfortable just as much as you do.
5. Leaving your trash behind
This one isn't for your fellow movie goers. It's for your movie employees. That's right, those people who give you your tickets and your popcorn and who walk through the theatre during the movie, they have to clean that theatre up when you leave. It's great that you helped support your theatre by buying your large popcorn with butter, and your icee, and your chocolate covered raisins, but there is a trash can right at the exit of your theatre. Please, pick up your trash and dispose of it on your way out. Save the employees a lot of trouble. It's not hard, and it only takes you like one extra minute.
So. Enjoy your movies this summer. There are a lot of great films that are going to be coming out soon, and I am sure you'll want to be there for every single one of them. Stay cool, and keep up on the newest releases. Just try to remember your movie theatre ettiquette.