Everyone has advice for incoming college freshmen, but usually its just simple stuff that you could have figured out yourself. As I began to unpack my dorm room from boxes in my car, I realized I had a ton of advice that needed to be heard, so I started to compile a list in my head of the things that I slowly realized over my first year of college. Hopefully these will help you, or even an upcoming freshman you may know.
The way your dorm room looks does not matter. In the long run, pick functionality over fashion. All of the lovely pillows and cute desk decor will end up shoved to the side when it comes to actually living in your room. Wash your hands like you've never washed them before. When you get sick (yes, WHEN you get sick) take medicine and take it religiously. In fact, before you even get sick, buy emergenC, advil, cold medicine, and cough medicine. Make friends on your floor, and smile at everyone even though it may feel strange. Be nice to your roommate and remember that they are in the same boat as you are.
That's what college is all about right? Of course the first thing I'll tell you is do NOT take early morning classes unless you consider yourself an early morning person. Make sure you read your professor's evaluations and if it looks bad, it probably will be. Do not buy your books new unless you have to, and rent instead of buying if you can. Another bit of advice that I will give is sign up for one extra class so if in the first couple assignments your grade looks dismal, you can drop the class and still remain in the correct amount of hours. Don't skip class unless you absolutely have to. Stay on top of assignments and always start them a week in advance.
Studying is really hard when you get to college. Instead of just staring at your laptop screen in the library, try making yourself a color coded study guide, flash cards, or even try explaining your material to a friend. If you hand-write your notes, try typing them up so you remember them. Save all your old tests because the midterm and final may use some of the same questions. Do not be afraid to ask your professor questions or go to their office hours. The better they know you the more likely they are to help you out.
Yes rush is exciting, no it is not the end of the world. You will end up in the house that wants you and in the end, you are the person who decides how it impacts you. Join other clubs and organizations while you are a Freshman. Don't be afraid to make new friends who are different than you. Join an organization that has something to do with your future job. Get involved in student elections. Get involved in organizations that give back to the community.