In 2018, it's pretty basic knowledge that our society is a little bit of a shit show. Living in the whirlwind that is Trump's America, the fact that we are constantly evolving while simultaneously doubling back in our achievements, and just experiencing the daily drama and antics that appear in the news headlines every day, it can be kind of easy to get lost in it. It can be easy to lose sight of what's important to you, when in fact this is now what matters the most.
I believe very strongly in using your voice to do good in the world--no matter how small a difference you think you could make. A difference is a difference either way and if you can have an effect on at least one person on this earth, doesn't that make it all worth it?
Personally, I like using my voice to share my opinions, passions and to make a difference. I like talking about feminism, white privilege, animal rights, body positivity, literature, mental health, happiness, the list goes on forever, honestly. I do this through lots of different outlets, but writing is by far my favorite. I like writing articles (like this one), writing poems, taking photos, attending rallies for causes that are important to me, and just talking to people. There are so many ways to express yourself, and expressing yourself and your creativity are vital to your soul.
What makes me sad is that a lot of people think "oh, I can't write" or "oh, I can't speak in front of people--how am I supposed to make a difference with my voice?" But there are so many more ways than one! You can use your voice in so many different ways than just by moving your mouth or your pen!
Have a lot of feelings? Take a pencil to a piece of paper and draw. I don't care if you're "not a good artist"--that's not true. Who's the judge as to if you're good at art or not? Draw whatever you want. Paint what you're feeling. It doesn't matter what it looks like, what matters is that you created it and you communicated something. You won't even believe what a relief and a release that is.
Do you have a lot of thoughts in your head that you want to get out, but don't know how? Close your eyes and write everything down that's in your head. It doesn't matter what your page looks like: grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence fragments--none of that matters right now. Once you have a physical piece construing your thoughts, you've done something right. You can turn that into whatever you want. When I want to write a poem, this is what I do. And I spend time tweaking it until it looks right to me. And that's how I've created some of my best, most communicative work.
Just last week, I wrote something small about how being a woman is empowering to me, just because it was something that was on my mind. And after posting it on social media, someone commented and said "Keep finding and raising your voice. You are one of those leading the change." And that is exactly what I do this for.