Don’t be thrown off by the title of this article, I am not here to share with you how to take advantage of people just because you are single. In fact, it is quite the opposite. If you’re suffering from what I use to call “Singleites” which is a made-up word I used for being lonely, then this article is for you.
Coming into college I did not know what I wanted in regards of a relationship and was trying to find some sort of connection with any girl I talked with but did not have the right intentions going into it.
This led to me pouring myself into unfulfilling things and trying to constantly find a distraction whether it be a new club or going out with friends… I was searching for something. It wasn’t until the end of my second semester that I realized the kind of gift that I had but wasn’t truly utilizing and that was being single.
When a person is single they have a lot of time to themselves and can use that time to learn a new hobby, play video games or find their passion. What I realized I could use my time for instead of pursuing unfulfilling things was creating meaningful relationships.
As soon as I started viewing each of my encounters with women as an opportunity to get to know them on a personal level and holding myself to the mindset that I was solely there to get to know them as a person I began to see a lighter side of my singleness.
Instead of being put down and upset about being lonely I started to realize the amount of time I had to share and how fast it was slipping away from me. This led to the stepping out of my comfort zone and girls who I never thought in a million years would talk to me ended up forming healthy relationships and created an awesome moral support system.
Long story short is don’t be afraid, nervous, lonely or feel as if you have failed if you are single. View it as a gift that you can share with others and get to know people for who they truly are and what they are giving back to others. From there you can learn to grow and succeed in life by keeping an open mind and single relationship status.