It’s now 2017 and yet again you have no one to ring in the new year with. You are alone, without a meaningful New Year’s kiss unless you possibly received one form your dog; dog kisses are always meaningful! But if you don’t have that person to plant one on ya, then know that’s perfectly okay. There is nothing wrong with being single and sure, it can get lonely, only if you allow yourself to dwell in that mindset.
If you are anything like me and haven't had a relationship and years but have dated, come close to making something official but never have, take a break. Take your time and be single, and I mean be truly alone. No " talking" to anyone, no dating, no friends with benefits, nada. Give your emotions a well deserved break and be selfish, improve upon on yourself and your aspirations.
Focus on your goals, school, your passions, or develop new talents. If you are feeling alone know that you have friends for a reason, don’t be afraid to shoot them a text and go out! Being alone does not mean you should not have fun and go out. Have a blast with your friends without the distractions of sweet nothings from boys that will tell you anything you want to hear to get you home.
Plan a spontaneous trip with friends or family and really break out of your comfort zone. It can be dangerous to get used to a routine, you feel comfortable and begin to say no to things more than you should, so break out of routines. Spontaneity is the spice of life, so spice up your single lifestyle and remember to stay focused on your goals and most importantly yourself.
Now, you don't want to be single forever, so the question is when do you break this mindset and consider letting yourself date again? Immerse yourself into dating when you feel 100 percent confident in yourself or when you feel that you want to start dating once again. This period of time being alone is to give yourself a break and improve upon all aspects of your life. Dating can drain your emotions and leave you broken sometimes, so do yourself a favor and give it rest for awhile.