There is nothing harder than trying to eat healthy and workout while maintaining an internship, good grades, working part/full time and a social life.
When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is the smallest details that count. And yes it is hard when you first start but you get the hang of it!
Whether you want to lose a pound or two for summer or simply want to live a healthier lifestyle, follow these simple steps and you will be right on your way!
When it comes to food:
1. Limit yourself.
You are used to eating a certain amount of meals and snacks, which is why you have to start slow. If you eat sandwiches every day, try eating them every other day. If you drink soda every day you can narrow it down to three times a week.
2. Try new snacks.
Do you love peanut butter? You can have apple slices with a peanut butter dip. Love chocolate? Eat dark chocolate covered almonds. Eating healthy is not only green vegetables it is a mixture of everything that includes protein, carbs, fruits, fats and vegetables.
3. Do not skip a meal.
If you skip a meal you will eat twice as much for your next one. You would be so hungry that you would eat anything and most often do. Also, when you skip a meal not only does it drain your energy but, it causes your body to use its’ fat for energy and causes weight gain. Always eat!
4. Watch your portions.
As I mentioned it is not healthy to skip a meal, but you should not stuff yourself either. The one thing that sucks about eating healthy is that, although it is indeed good for you, if you consume too much it will also cause you to gain weight. For example for fats (nuts, avocados) you should eat only about ¼ of a cup. I used to grab handful of the trail mix thinking I was fine, learned my lesson there. The same goes for fruit, its nature's candy but too much will make you gain weight. The labels on the food packages are there for a reason, be sure to consume the serving size and nothing more.
When it comes to exercise:
1. Move your body.
If your body is not used to any form of exercise, slowly get your body used to moving. Climb a few stairs back and forth for five minutes. Walk your dog down the block and walk to class instead of taking the shuttle.
2. Start slow.
It is not easy to start exercising but if you take it slow you will manage. Go for a walk twice a week. Then make it three times a week. When you feel comfortable start jogging!
3. Find an exercise you enjoy doing.
There are plenty of exercises to choose from!
Do you like to dance? Try Zumba or other dance classes (bachata, salsa, hip hop).
Like the outdoors? Go hiking.
Like the water? Go swimming.
Like sports? Play them.
Like skateboards or bikes? Ride around town.
4. Be patient with yourself.
You cannot lose the weight you gained over the course of the years in one month. It will take time but, with dedication, you will see results. Take it one day at a time.
5. Don’t be scared of leaving your comfort zone.
It is intimidating when you walk in the gym and everyone knows what they are doing and you are just standing there. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to join an exercise class, remember that you are doing it for yourself. The rest should not matter.
How do I know these steps work? Because these are the steps I took to lose weight and have the confidence to say that I absolutely love myself. I did not do them in order; I failed miserably MANY times and felt horrible. But I slowly progressed and it did not take me a month or six. Just keep in mind that everybody’s journey is different, put in the work and it will pay off.