Most people have the ability to watch a show or read a book, enjoy it for a little while, and then move on with their lives. And then, there are the fangirls and fanboys. These groups of people not only enjoy their TV shows and books, but they devote quite a lot of time and energy to these modes of entertainment. In fact, they create communities called, "fandoms," which have the sole purpose of bringing fans together for the worship and celebration of the characters. The following is a detailed list of 20 characteristics to help you determine if you are in danger of becoming a part of a fandom.
1. You know random bits of information about your fandom.
This can range from knowing the author's date of birth -- and treating that day like a holiday every year--to knowing the shampoo brand of one of the actors.
2. You have had something fandom related set as the background on your phone and/or laptop.
I'm not afraid to admit to my Doctor Who/Peter Pan crossover iPod background. Tinkerbell as a part of the TARDIS is one of my favorite pictures ever!
3. You have memorized bits of dialogue from the show/book...and you try to use them in normal conversations.
And I mean, always!
4. You follow social media accounts about your fandom.
5. You "like" almost everything posted online about your fandom simply because it reminds you of your fandom.
6. Your own social media accounts are sometimes used as a medium for expressing your undying love for a character.
7. Okay, let's be honest. Social media is basically just another way of experiencing your fandom and doesn't really have any other use to you.
8. You've had a full on meltdown over the death of a character.
9. Even years later, you still aren't over the death of that character.
(I'm looking at you J.K. Rowling.)
10. You've bought fan merchandise.
11. You either wear the merch everywhere, or you have a special shrine in your closet dedicated to your fandom.
12. You've had long-winded debates about the smallest details about your fandom.
(First off, it's Doctor Who, not Dr. Who. Secondly, his name is just the Doctor. Get your facts straight!)