How To Tell If You Have Two Left Feet
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How To Tell If You Have Two Left Feet

I never realized how clumsy I was until I noticed these ten signs.

How To Tell If You Have Two Left Feet

I will be the first to admit that I've never realized how clumsy I am. Granted, I just chose to deny the fact that I had basically two left feet because how could I not be graceful? I played softball for so many years and that requires a lot of coordination with your hands and feet. And maybe I just refused to acknowledge the fact that I wasn't as coordinated as I perceived myself to be. Here are the signs that finally made me realize the truth of my two left feet.

1. Tripping on air.

Have you ever just walked around, minding your own business with little care in the world? Then, all of a sudden, you literally just trip on nothing but air. There's no uneven sidewalk or random tree root to stub your toe. Not even some random person accidentally knocking into you. Just air.

2. Losing your balance randomly while standing still.

I don't know about other people, but my feet just randomly decide that they don't want to keep me balanced anymore and just give up on supporting me. I could literally be talking with someone about the weather, Stranger Things, or having a pity party with my friend, when my feet screw logic and roll onto the side of my foot. Least to say, I almost kiss the pavement or break an ankle. (Somehow, I haven't done either one of those yet so thank you, Jesus.)

3. Your legs refuse to walk in a straight line.

Not once in my life have my legs ever walked forward in a straight line. No. They decide to nearly entangle themselves with each other every five feet and I have a near heart attack trying to stay upright. Because what's more embarrassing than falling on your face while walking to class?

4. Heels are not for you.

I have never enjoyed wearing heels and the times I have been forced into them, I nearly break my neck. My ankles are already not in the best shape plus, as mentioned above, I have a terrible risk of tripping just because. Tall shoes and clumsiness do not mix. If you value your life (and your feet) don't wear outrageously tall heels. Just don't.

5. Bumping into walls, the corners of tables, and people is a common thing for you.

I cannot even count how many times I've hit my hips on the corner of a table—and all tables shouldn't even have sharp corners in the first place because that's really dangerous to clumsy people like myself. Whoever decided that a table needs corners, I hate you. And, of course, we can't stop there! Walls are also your enemy as they tend to pull you toward them with the resounding force of their gravity. Mind you, it doesn't affect everyone who walks past them—only those who can't control their legs and balance are dragged to it. People also have this unique gravitation pull and while it is fascinating, I'd like to observe from afar not up close and personal. Thanks but no thanks.

6. Your friends and family even tell you that you're clumsy.

OK, I'd like to apologize to my friends for not listening to what they were telling me for years. I now realize my mistake in believing I was the most graceful gazelle to ever walk this planet. I'm very sorry for living in denial. I hope this article makes up for it.

With that in mind, if anyone you know—be it friend, relative, or parent—has told you that you're not this graceful swan then you should just accept it now. Because, rest assured, if they've told you then it has to be true. They'd never lie to you—well, scratch that. Your friends might lie just to poke at the one time you fell on your face or butt, but your parents would tell the truth no matter what. (Hopefully, they will.)

7. Denying that you're clumsy despite the fact you can't walk five feet without tripping on air.

Now, to all of those people who deny it (like I did), it's time to wake up and face the music. As much as we'd like to be the girl with a dancer-like gait and move across the earth as if we were floating, it's just not that easy for us. That's a fantasy and a dream you wish was real. Just because you're clumsy, however, it doesn't mean you're any less beautiful than those who are sure-footed. You're perfect the way you are.

8. Dropping things (phone, books, keys, etc.) on a regular basis.

I have the unfortunate curse of dropping all my stuff without any real cause except my fingers just quit working. That is a trait I don't particularly understand. My hands are fine holding my books or keys and the next thing you know—whoops! there goes your phone, your tablet, keys, wallet, etc. and you're just standing in the middle of the hallway just staring in wonder. It's quite the feat to be holding all your stuff then not even know how they ended on the floor. That's exactly why I always put my stuff in either a purse, backpack, or in a pocket if it'll fit.

9. You are super careful whenever you walk down the stairs.

I am absolutely terrified of walking down the stairs because I can't ever tell if my heel is going to hit the stair or not. It's the scariest thing I ever have to do on a daily basis. Like, how can anyone run down the stairs without holding onto the guardrail? That makes absolutely no sense to me. I'd also like to know why those people don't value their lives that much when they do it. Don't they know that they can seriously hurt themselves if they were to stumble?

10. You wonder if you should just wear bubble wrap and safety gear.

Ever since I was kid, I played softball and continued to play throughout my high school career. I have always been athletic and will continue to be so from years of playing the game. My biggest question is how did I go about playing fastpitch without breaking anything. I have to be the luckiest person on planet to play without breaking anything in middle of practice, a scrimmage, or a game.(Granted, being hit my softballs do not necessarily count since I can't help that.) Though, I will admit I've rolled my ankles and sprained them on numerous occasions. And yes, I really wonder if I should just deck myself out in safety gear to avoid more bruises, or even rolling myself in bubble wrap so I don't hurt myself. However, I think I'll just end up popping the bubble wrap too much so it'll be pretty moot. Oh well.

I'd like to reiterate that just because you're not graceful doesn't mean you aren't beautiful. No one is made the same for a reason and I fully accept the fact that I'm clumsy. (Now that I'm aware of it.) I wish I was a little more coordinated and didn't bump into things or lose my balance, but those are out of my control. And, the funny thing is, I don't care and I'm glad I have this little quirk. It makes me unique in my own way.

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you need to change or pretend to be a graceful person. Even the most coordinated person can be clumsy and make mistakes. No one is perfect and if anyone says differently—they're clearly lying.

Don't deny your two left feet anymore. Embrace them just as you do the same for yourself.

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