My day sounds a little bit like this- wake up at 5:45 AM, get to school by 7:30 AM, do extra curriculars until 5:30 PM, go to dance until 7:30 or 8 PM, then finally, start homework and simultaneously eat dinner until 12 AM. Then repeat. So what are the problems with this lifestyle? The severe lack of sleep definitely plays a huge role, which leads to stress, irritability, and sleep deprivation. However, my day is so jam-packed right down to the minute, and there is no wiggle room for some free time. The classes and activities that I take in high school are definitely the reason why I have such little leisure time , and so when I complain about my heavy schedule, people are always telling me that its my fault that I have such little free time. As a result, I became insufferable ! Constantly complaining about my life, heavy coursework, and sleep deprivation are just some of the few annoying topics that I always ended up talking about. Finally, I realized that complaining about this was not going to help me in any way. I needed a plan.
Here are the top 4 things that I do that help organize my hectic life:
1) Calendars: I have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR calendars. One is on my phone, two are in my room, and one is in the living room so my parents now what's going on in my life. Calendars are the easiest way to organize you life, and they help you keep on task. Keep each calendar recording a different part of your life- school work, upcoming events, and hour-to-hour activities. This will help keep you motivated and keep you from procrastinating.
2) Sleep : Now many people tell us that it is easy to find time to sleep. However, I understand that finding this time is not as easy as people to think. Regardless of how late you are forced to stay up at night trying to finish up all of your work, make sure that the time that you actually do sleep, you sleep! It is, without a doubt, incredibly hard to sleep after staying up late at night, but do not go on your phone or watch TV while actually in bed. Make the bed the place for sleep, so the few precious hours you have to sleep,they are spent in deep sleep to help you feel more rested.
3) Don't over-stress: This is like second nature to me. I over-stress about everything- from plain homework, to tests, to losing pens and pencils, to SAT or ACT tests. Everything to me is one big stressful roller coaster. Sometimes, stress can help keep you motivated. Unfortunately, stressing generally leads to over-thinking problems and work. Do not become overwhelmed by all your tasks; take everything one step at a time.
4) Time Management: Are tiresome as it seems, plan everything. I set limits for myself on how long I want to spend eating dinner, and doing homework for each subject. This helps me to stay focused and finish all of my work on time, without worrying how I would handle everything together.Try to plan everything in half-hour increments and stick as closely as you can to your schedule.
Next time you become overwhelmed with your busy life, try to remember these tips and organize your life. Don't forget to share and comment your helpful life tips.