Fall is just around the corner and then pretty soon it will be winter. However change in weather comes at a price: the Otterplague. The 'Otterplague' stands for that one annual sickness that wipes usually more than half of the student body into being bedridden. We call it the 'otter plague' because you know 'Otterbein' but every school has it and it cannot be escaped. Call it what you want, but here are some tips to avoid the annual 'plague.'
Hand washing
I know it's cliche but hand washing or sanitizing is more important than you think. Wash or sanitize your hands after every class, it does not matter whether or not you ate, germs are sneaky and can get to you in a second.
Whether you're on a sports team or not, make sure you get active and outside. This doesn't mean you should go on an eight mile run. It can just be hanging out with friends or Pokemon Go! Being outside is super important to help clear your sinuses, but fresh air is always a must in general.
Healthy Eating
I know it's shocking, but what you eat can be a cause of you getting sick! Having a snack such as chips or other types of snack foods are perfectly fine but for meals eating clean foods can get rid of toxins in your body, therefore you have a lesser chance of getting sick.
Vitamin Intake
If you don't take at least one kind of vitamin, you probably should. Vitamins help by making your body stronger and healthier. You don't have to take every vitamin in the book, but basic essential vitamins are always good to have in your dorm room.