We all know what the soldier is going through is tough, but sometimes it seems like not talking to them is tougher. You think that 10 weeks for basic and the additional how many weeks are a long time, until you are under 70 days and the countdown seems like you can do it. Here is the top five ways I have survived the past thirteen weeks without my best friend.
1. Stay Positive
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I know that when they first leave and you have to count down over 200 days, it seems like forever. Literally forever. But if you stay positive and think about all the awesome things you are going to do and accomplish in those days, it makes it a little more bearable. If you keep in mind that they are also really busy, it helps also. Just stay positive. The day the graduate comes faster then you think.2. Hang out with your friends
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This is the perfect opportunity for you to hang out with your friends more then normal. These are the girls that are going to get you through the next 19 weeks, or however long it is. Make sure you have a good group of friends, because these are the girls you are going to be spending 99% of your time with.
3. Write Letters
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If you don't know how to write a letter, you better learn how to do that really quick. If you do not know how to write nice, also lean how to do that. Your sanity is depending on it. You will realize that the mail lady/man is your best friend. When you receive mail, you will become a child on Christmas day.4. Keep yourself busy.
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If you do not keep yourself busy, it will be the longest, hardest thing you have ever gone through. Join new clubs, start doing yoga, finish Grey's Anatomy!5. Take care of yourself!
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Make sure you take care of yourself. Get enough sleep, eat healthy food, exc. You don't want your soldier to worry about you while they are there.