If you are anything like me, dealing with rude/ strange people all day is less than satisfactory. But, when you are desperate for money, I guess you can listen to people's crap all day long. Moving to the beach for the summers and working at a fast paced, higher class restaurant calls for some very unpleasant people, with some very mean and odd comments. But it's fun to talk about after your shift or during really! Other frustrations are when people working are mad that food is not coming out fast enough, so they block your path of work, as if that will make the food come out faster, WRONG. Here are some of my tips to get through the craziness... especially when you're working that double...
1. While being yelled at by a costumer, envision every word they say as "BLAH BLAH BLAH' During this step you are blocking out all of the mean things a costumer has to say about their food, drinks, and about you. Now you can successfully nod and smile while you pretend to care!
2. When someone is in your way, ask them to move... or move them. One thing that I have noticed is that no matter where I walk at work, someone is always in my way. I could say, "excuse me" in the sweetest voice, seven times and they still just look at me, confused and block where I need to go. SO.. take your whole body and push through that space, like you own it, while saying excuse me, because you want everyone to think you're a freaking ray of sunshine!
3. When you are mad at a customer, go into the back and just let it all out. We know as restaurant workers that there is nothing better than walking into the kitchen with all your coworkers and telling them how smelly and evil a table is because they tipped you under 20%. BUT only do this once, because your friends are going to think you are crazy, even though you already are.
4. After your yet again, TERRIBLE day, follow these next steps.1) Drive to the nearest liquor store. 2) Buy the cheapest vodka (you're broke remember). 3) Go to the nearest corn field. 4) SCREAM. 5) Take some shots. 6) Say some prayers, because guess what... tomorrow you get to do it ALL.OVER.AGAIN.