Now that the holiday season is over, lets face it, winter is horrible. We can suffer through the plants dying, and the encroaching arctic air as long as we string everything with lights and give each other presents. Sadly, the joy has come and gone with Santa's sleigh. We are embarking on the real darkness that is January and now we have to figure out how to survive the real winter.
When surviving winter, its best to remember that the outdoors are no longer yours to enjoy. Wait until the sun returns for such ventures. Outside is now for the penguins, and those who don't believe in frost bite. Why would you want to walk on crunch grass? Even water grows cold and hard because the element that gives life recognizes the cruelty of the season. Stay bundled up inside where it is safe. Return to your natural winter state, pack on a few pounds like the bears, and sleep until life reawakens.
Contrary to your Pinterest board, winter is not romantic. Anyone who truly loves you would never subject you to the immediate sadness all good things experience when cold. True love survives the winter by remaining bundled up. Wrap those you love in many blankets to keep them safe and protected. Place them gently by the fire place, with a cup of a warm drink, and a laptop with Netflix open. While this is not the most attractive state, it is the only practical way to live through January and February.
Bring your pets inside. Bring your loved ones inside. Bring all things you want to continue to live inside.
Stay warm, I'll see you in the spring.