By this point in the year, the winter blues have set in. The new semester has begun and with this, all memories of a happy, stress-free time are erased. Winter break passed by both slowly and much too quickly; no matter what you thought, by now you are wishing it was back.
Classes require mountains of papers and readings, and it feels like you just can’t catch a break.
All this comes with below-freezing temperatures and hazardous ice just waiting for you to take that one fatal step on your walk to class.
Just the other day, I watched a kid wreck his bike on the ice in the middle of four lanes of traffic. Luckily, no cars were close enough to put him in danger.
Sometimes it seems as if winter will never end and that summer will forever remain far out of reach.
But, there are ways to combat the winter blues.
Try to be in the sun as much as you can. During the darker winter months, spending time in the sun can seem impossible and uncomfortable. With the freezing temperatures and cold snow, it isn’t something anybody is freely willing to do.
Sunlight helps to release serotonin in the body. This release is triggered when the sun’s rays hit a certain part of the eye. Serotonin is a crucial hormone because it works to stabilize your moods and causes happiness.
Sunlight also allows the body to absorb vitamin-D, which is important for the immune system. Anything important for the immune system is especially crucial during the cold and flu season.
You can also combat the winter blues in ways that don’t require going out into the cold.
Exercise. Working out is known for relieving stress. Even something as low impact as walking can help someone reap the benefits. Spend as few as 30 minutes a day getting active, and you will notice a difference in your stress levels.
Cozy up in your home. Splurge on some new decorations or blankets to help brighten up the room and light some candles. A cozy space will take your mind off the fact that outside the walls of your house lies the cold. Having a warmly decorated space will make you feel less trapped when it is too cold to spend your time outdoors.
Although the winter blues are a real problem, there are easy solutions. Activities like the ones above help relieve the stress that comes with winter and will make the season more bearable.
It may seem as if summer will never arrive, but I promise it will. In the meantime, do your best to keep the dreaded winter blues away.