How To Prepare For Your Cabo Spring Break Trip
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How To Prepare For Your Cabo Spring Break Trip

Tips to survive the best week of your life.

How To Prepare For Your Cabo Spring Break Trip
The Odyssey

If you've never been to Mexico before, get ready for the best week of your life. If you didn't think the weather and beaches could be any nicer than San Diego, some of Cabo's hottest spring break destinations exist to prove you wrong. Mexico, to USD kids, is what San Diego is for most other college kids. Before heading to the promised land, you should keep some of these tips in mind for a fun, safe trip to remember ... or not.

1. Before the trip, do your research.

Figuring out airfare, roommates, and hotels is extremely important to figure out well in advance. Location is important. In Cabo, everything should be fairly close, but you definitely want to make sure you're within walking distance of the beach and fun places you want to go to. Most hotels are right on the beach, and you can't go wrong booking a place in the Marina, but booking gets pretty expensive around spring break season. If you're looking for a good value, I suggest staying at an all-inclusive. Food is all you can eat, and even alcohol dispensers inside your room that cover that aspect. It's usually pretty disgusting but worth the convenience. All-inclusives also cover the bars inside of the hotels too which is a pretty good deal. I recommend getting Bob Marley shots as much as you can. They're the most delicious shots you will ever taste. And the Cabo air will make it even sweeter.

2. Invest in spring break attire.

You're going to see other girls wearing the cutest swim suits and immediately regret not finding that perfect suit that makes you feel fabulous. Spring break is a great occasion to splurge a little and buy yourself a swim suit that you love so much you'll want to live in. Let's face it, on Spring Break, you literally will live in swim suits, so you might as well make sure you are more than happy with what you brought! Don't forget a cute coverup, sassy beach towel, and pair of gladiator sandals.

3. Get that beach bod ready.

If you're a procrastinator like me, you've probably been eating a roll of girl scout cookies everyday and saying you'll "start your spring break diet tomorrow." Well, even I have noticed that spring break is right around the corner! We USD kids have a mere two weeks left until we have to face the reality and expose ourselves on the beach. Now is your chance to show off what you got! Since I have been doing my fair share of eating, I plan on buying a Groupon for Barre classes, and force myself to use it as much as I can in those two weeks I have left. Hopefully I can find a buddy to hold me accountable, because I have a feeling I will choose food over exercise, every time.

4. During your trip, sunscreen and water will be your best friends.

Asides from all of the 24/7 partying you will most likely be partaking in, try and treat your body the best you can. It's crucial to your survival to remember the two most important things you will need during the day: sunscreen and water. The Cabo sun is more intense than on this side of the border, so make sure to use all kind of protection and slather on that SPF. Water is also the most important thing to keep around during the day. Mixing alcohol with the hottest weather you will ever experience is not a good idea. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I learned my lesson the hard way during my first trip, so I figured I should spare you from making the same mistake.

5. Be careful.

You will get ripped off. On everything you try to buy. Haggle all your souvenirs, and don't be afraid to walk away. You won't be able to negotiate food or drink, but beware when buying anything, including merch, rides and adventure/excursions. If it sounds pretty sketchy, it probably is.

Also, just be careful in general. Stick with a buddy, but the bigger the group the better. Don't trek too far, and that's why it's best to be in walking distance of the locations you want to go to. Don't be too terrified to go out or anything, but when you're in a foreign country just don't be stupid, especially with all the alcohol in your system. My brother's friend in high school decided to walk around town barefoot, and came home with a huge gash in his foot. Probably not a good idea to do in the United States either, but you never know what may sound like a good idea at the time!

6. Make Friends!

Cabo Spring Break is all about the crazy things you and your friends can get into, but it's also about meeting other kids from all over the country. Hit up Mango Deck during the day, and Squid Roe at night to make more friends, and more memories. Enlarge your squad or just find other fun people to party with for the hour. Take the opportunity to get to know other people, or take advantage of that liquid courage. It's always a good time in Cabo, and when the party gets bigger, the better the stories are.

7. Go out and do stuff!

It's always a good time to soak up some rays and spend the day drinking away, but if the budget allows, it only makes the trip more memorable if you go on adventures! There is a ton of opportunities for you to have some extra fun in the sun. I wasn't a fan of parasailing, but driving a jet ski was probably one of the funnest activities I did in Cabo. I came home with large bruises on my legs, but it was so worth it. There are also boat tours to the Cabo arch that take you to its beach and provide some cool photo opps.

I'm making my Cabo comeback after three years, and I can't be anymore excited. Hope to see all of you there, and I have a feeling this will be one spring break to remember...

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