The second semester of your senior year is a time when you are wrapping up what have hopefully been some of the best years of your life so far. You have survived numerous all-nighters, handed in countless papers, struggled (and flown) through many exams, and you are finally in the final stretch of your college career. By this point you have usually learned what it takes to get by in your classes, and yet for some reason you find yourself not putting in the same kind of effort that you did in your previous years. It's the slump we all know. Senioritis.
Senioritis is an "illness" that plagues many college seniors, causing a lack of motivation. Basically, in scientific terms, as the temperature outside increases, the amount of f***s giving in the classroom decreases. It's a pretty unavoidable ailment, no matter how much you try. That light at the end of the tunnel that is college begins to blind you of all the work that you still need to do to get there.
I spoke with a handful of college seniors to gather some advice to pass on to the underclassmen about what it takes to get through the struggle of Senioritis. Here is what they had to say:
1. As much as you think this semester doesn't matter, it does. Try not to skip class all the time....only sometimes.
It is easy to get into mindset that your college career is basically over, but the key word there is "basically". College is not ACTUALLY over just because you are in your last semester. You still have to pass this one to graduate; don't slack off too much when you are so close
2. Not every class before 10am is a "skip-able" class.
Suddenly, in the world of the second semester senior, ten in the morning becomes equivalent to the break of dawn and it is not to be messed with. You live with all your friends, you are newly 21, and you are more than likely enjoying a few nights that make your morning class sound like hell. Still, even when it seems most daunting, skipping class to sleep is not gonna cut it. You're grades will thank you if you follow this advice*.
*Also makes your mother happy: added bonus.
3. Don't fall into the Netflix trap every single night of the week...
We all know Netflix is addicting, and sometimes it is nice to watch an episode or two before you go to sleep. But just because you watch one or two episodes does not mean you need to keep going. Close your computer. Close your eyes. And GO TO SLEEP. Sleep is a pretty luxurious commodity in college world, so enjoy it when you can.
4. Don't binge watching ]ADDICTING TV SHOW] the day before your 9 page paper is due...
Speaking of the Netflix's another one: You have a paper due tomorrow that you have yet to start, and you're going to watch "one or two" episodes before you start. You know that's not going to happen...Just start your paper*.
*Refer to my other article "21 Thoughts Every College Student Has While Pulling an All-Nighter", if you can't grasp this.
5. Know the local drink specials for every day of the week...just in case you need a happy hour
Sometimes, second semester seniors need to let off a little steam. It's understandable; I mean there's the stress of school, plus finding a job, plus people asking you about your job search (which may be even more stressful than the job search itself), and more. Happy hour is an amazing cure for this*.
*Not prescribed by a doctor. Don't go get hammered and blame it on me.
6. Don't drink every night just because you can now.
Turning 21 is exciting as hell. You can suddenly (legally) enter a world that is entirely for adults. You feel badass when you go to bars with all your friends and classmates, and it becomes a routine.
Dollar drinks on Thursday? You're there.
Out for drinks and dinner on Friday? Sure why not.
Local watering hole on Saturday? Duh.
Wine on Tuesday because that's way better than the test you have tomorrow? I mean yeah...
Don't get into this habit! Not only can you not afford to blow off your homework that much, but your wallet will seriously hate you. Trust me.
7. Just because you are graduating in two months, doesn't mean your paper that's due tomorrow doesn't count.
The hard part about being a second semester senior is the fact that it is such a tease (and no one likes a tease...). On one hand, it is getting warmer out, people are getting out of their winter hibernation and enjoying the campus, you are so close to graduating, and (if your lucky) you might have some idea of what you will be doing after school. The world is your oyster.
BUT. AT THE SAME TIME. You still have a paper due in 6 hours, three assignments due tomorrow, and a test next week. While that sounds horrible itself, you still have 2 MONTHS LEFT. Make sure to still get your work done, despite the light at the end of the tunnel*.
*But still enjoy the crap out of your time with friends, and enjoy your campus while you can.
8. Take a class that is Pass/Fail.
This is an amazing invention in the grading system. You do your work, participate, and test well enough to pass... you pass. If fail. It definitely lightens your workload on the days that you are suffering from a particularly bad case of Senioritis*.
*Don't use this as an excuse not to go to class though, draw the line somewhere.
9. Learn to accept the fact that just because Spring Break is over, Doesn't mean that it is automatically Summer.
Spring Break is the biggest tease of all (see number 7). It gives you the slightest taste of summer, and then it throws you back in school for the last time. The problem is, it also holds on to some of that motivation that makes you do your work. Don't let it take all the motivation you have. You definitely can't afford that.
10. Stay busy and don't stress.
Keeping busy is something that is both hard and easy to do in the second semester of your senior year. On one hand, your classes are keeping you plenty busy. On the other, any positions you've held are coming to an end, sports are wrapping up (except for those in Spring Sports...more power to you), and you are finding yourself with more time on your hands. Keep yourself busy enough to not become a couch potato, but don't stress yourself out.
11. Don't just give up.
Sometimes when things get stressful in the second semester senior year, it is easy to think that it may not all be worth it. Trust me; it is. Graduating college is not only an amazing accomplishment, but it will also set you up for so much in the future. Don't give up when things get tough. You are close to the end and everything will be alright.
12. Get involved with senior events.
This is the last time that you are going to get to be with your senior class all at once. Take advantage of these moments. Even if you're not friends with everyone, these are still the people that have experienced college with you. Get to know each other before it's to late.
13. Remember that this time next year, you won't be in this position.
Even if you may want to not do any work, or skip going out a night, take every opportunity. Go out every chance you get, take risks, and don't pass up anything that comes your way. These are your last months of college. So make the most of it.
15. Don't be afraid to say f**k it sometimes.
When it comes down to it, it is impossible to completely avoid the illness more commonly known Senioritis. Sometimes you just gotta say f**k it, and that's ok. It's your last chance to do that will minimal consequences, so don't get used to it, but don't be afraid to be a little "sick" sometimes. :)
Thank you to the following almost-graduates who gave their advice:
Daniel Smith, Tyler Countess, Brendan Downey, Nathan Vesley, Shaughn Gudall, Meghan Santamaria, Megan Veltri, Nouhad Salim, Dana Sencendiver, Alejandra Kaplan, Crystal Collins.