Registration is comparable to The Hunger Games, honestly. If you go to a small, private college, you probably don't have this issue. However, if you go to a large, public university, you can definitely identify. I myself do not yet know how to survive registration, but I'll try my best to give my best advice:
1. Have zero expectations.
Don't expect to get your dream schedule. Have back-ups on back-ups for your classes, and keep your hopes very, very low.
2. Have at least 30 classes in your cart.
This may sound excessive, but it's necessary. Especially if you have a bad registration time, you are going to need all the options you can get.
3. Set 50 alarms.
If you oversleep, you're going to hate yourself. Don't do it.
4. Have liquor at the ready for when you get too stressed.
Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
5. Don't panic when you've been registering all day and still only have 12 hours enrolled.
Honestly, it's fine. You'll just go to summer school. Or be on the 5-year plan.
6. Call your parents and tell them you need to transfer.
This is a very necessary step. It adds to the dramatics.