There are a few things I’ve learned while living in TallaNasty, things that are crucial to my survival here. Having been born and raised in Miami, a not-so-nice city with shady people and even shadier activities, I know a thing or two about survival. What I didn’t learn down in Miami was how to survive the college party scene, since I wasn't in college yet, and the college parties back home weren’t so wild (sorry FIU and UM). My sister, who doubled as my roommate for my freshman year, taught me the basics on how to survive partying in the 850. The rules are quite simple, and I implore those individuals who, like myself, have never partied in a real college town before, to follow these rules.
Everyone knows the buddy system- always travel with a friend. If lucky, you might travel with your squad, providing strength in numbers. Not only does it make it harder for harm to come one’s way, since friends have each other's backs, but it’s always a good time when you go out with your group.
It’s crucial to know where the party is at- a cabana at Recess, Dersday at Standard, Drink til you Sink at the Strip- and getting there is equally important. Which brings me to my next rule: uber everywhere! Never, ever drive under the influence. I cannot stress this enough. Never get into a vehicle with someone who is under any kind of influence, even if they say, “dude, I drive better when I’m drunk.” Cops don’t care if an individual is an expert “high driver” or whether they were driving down the block A DUI is a DUI, and it never goes away. Don't be shy to ask a friend for a ride, or call a cab. Your friends would rather get a phone call from you at 2 AM saying you need a ride than a phone call from the Leon County Jail.
Nothing is more embarrassing than strolling up to the front of the line at Pot's for Purgatory and not having any cash on you, then having to beg a friend to spot you. Next rule: always bring cash. $20 should suffice, and it will typically pay the cover charge and maybe a drink during Happy Hour. It’s also smarter to pay for drinks at the bar with cash so that the bartender knows to close your tab, and you cannot be double charged as you would with a card. Another perk of college town partying is some of the bars will give you a student discount if you have your school ID with you, which is a huge deal if you're a budgeting student.
If you know the next bar is a bit out of your price range, pre-gaming is a must. Nothing says “I’m ready to get smashed because I'm on a budget” like showing up to the club already buzzing. Leave your car at a friend’s place, throw back that Fireball shot, and find your spot on the party bus for the next destination. If you’re smart, getting a steady buzz before going out is ideal. By the time you arrive, all you’ll need is one or two more drinks to start dancing like someone’s recording it for Old Row.
Before you can even walk out the front door, always do the triple check: (1) keys, (2) wallet, (3) phone. Even if you and your roommate say, “we’re not getting separated tonight,” there is always that possibility that you may go home with someone else, or your friend may end up asleep on a park bench (we all have that one friend). Take your keys with you no matter the situation. You never know what might happen. Or, if you’re prone to losing your keys, hide them in a spot you know you’d always find them, take a picture of where they're hidden, send it to a trustworthy friend, and you’ll get your keys when you come home.
In order to truly experience the Nasty’s nightlife, one must have a table at a club at least once. Connections are extremely important in order to achieve that. Someone always knows someone who has a table at a club, which means the drinks are unlimited and the madness will ensue. Having a table is great because it provides a feeling of superiority over the other party-goers. Standing atop the benches and overlooking the crowds gives one a sense of entitlement. When you know the bouncer and a bartender, it’s equally as satisfying. Free entry and free drinks sound like music to the ears of a struggling college student. If your roommate is tight with someone that works at the club, even if it’s a bar-back or the girl selling wristbands at the door, it’ll guarantee a good night, and if they both happen to work at the same place, that will guarantee you probably won’t remember your night.
I believe that the number one rule, which has been overlooked far too many times, is to live out your college life like your mother is watching. My mom used to say to me before I left home, “don’t do anything that you wouldn’t want me to see.” She saw a lot of it in college, though, especially when I took her to the Delt house for Parents’ Weekend. Anyway, always act like your mother is going to see it. Don’t take your top off for pictures, don’t do butt chugs, and for God’s sake, don’t snort anything! Mother is always right, and she truly does know what’s best. And if you’re going to do something stupid, make sure there’s no one recording it and there isn't any proof of it having been done (AKA don’t post it on Snapchat).
A rule that is vital in not only college, but in the real world, is to always use protection. Safe sex will make or break your college experience. STDs and STIs are passed around like the collection basket at church (God forgive me for that analogy). With so many people having one night stands and hooking up on the regular, the risk of catching something in college is greater than normal, and it is our responsibility to protect ourselves. Girls and guys alike should always carry a condom, and give their partner the “we can’t have sex without a condom” talk. 99% of the time, partners will understand and will feel even more comfortable if you’ve brought it up. And if they become offended and suddenly don’t want to screw, just know that you probably saved yourself from something awful. So don’t be silly; wrap your willy.
I live by these rules and remind myself of them every time I get ready to go out. College is a fun and wild time. These rules are not meant to deter someone from enjoying college; they are meant to encourage us to be smart and safe about partying. Following these rules are crucial to surviving this party town, and I would hope that everyone abides by them and makes the most of their time in college.