The hype always seems to be centered around finals, but I think midterms might be just as crazy. It always seems like the timing couldn't be worse when these tests come around, but they are here to stay. We have to remember that they are just as important as end of the semester tests, and can really help us with our grades in the future. If we can successfully make it through the weird time between the start and the end of the term, we will be in great shape for the rest of the year.
Here are some things to remember when the middle of the term rolls around and we are faced with tests again.
1. Become a regular at the library
Getting to know the library at your school or in your town can be not only informative, but also really interesting. The first time I went to my campus library I didn't think I'd be spending as much time in there as I do but I have learned over time that its a good place to get things done! Its easier to do what you have to do when you don't have the distractions of your room either.
2. Get lots of sleep
This cannot be stressed enough. Making sure you get a full seven or eight hours of sleep each night the week of testing can make a world of difference. Wake up each morning with a refreshed mind and attitude!
3. Prepare yourself ahead of time
Make study guides, lists, or schedules so that you aren't craming things in at the last minute. Know when each test is, and determine your method for what order to look things over in.
4. Take breaks in between study sessions
Watch Netflix for an hour or go see a friend for awhile to get your mind off of the work you are doing. Then, when you get back to it you will be looking at the material with a more open mind, and you won't feel as overworked.
5. Fuel your mind with good food
Try your best to eat healthy leading up to all of the studying and tests. Fruits, vegetables, and protein are great sources to get you going everyday and make you feel unstoppable. It's a lot easier to think, read, and be productive when your body is full of nutritious things that taste great too.
Don't forget to Study, study, study! If you do well on those tests in the middle of the year it will only set you on a path for greatness the entire rest of the year. Finals won't be as scary if you studied all the information from the first half of the year, and it will mean a lot less work in the end.