Not all of us are physically and emotionally capable of making it through finals week. It's survival of the fittest, but that's okay because that's life. However, if you need to make those grades (and who doesn't), here are some helpful points from Tina Belcher. Tina understands.
1. Talk to your professors often to ask questions and let them know you exist and you care about the class.
It's important to do this throughout the semester, but sometimes we get lazy. It's never too late to show you care, and it'll be worth it after that final grade is in.
2. Try not to cram your studying into the night before.
It can be stressful and super tiring to have to study all night before a test and you don't get that essential beauty sleep. Plan ahead so you don't end up dying on the kitchen floor of your dorm.
3. Check your emails regularly.
Your professor may have something very important to say like
4. Stay positive despite the odds stacked against you.
Stick with your studies and know that you can achieve anything. Defeat is not in your vocabulary.
5. When optimism fails, accepting your fate is better than denial.
6. And if you think you won't be able to make the grades, start thinking about your future with a different approach.
You're going to need a husband/wife in the future that will be able to support your comfortable lifestyle. So, when all else fails, be looking for that person who's on top of their stuff.
7. Whatever you do during finals week, don't lose your sense of humor.
The best way to relax and not get too overwhelmed about your whole world crashing down face first is to not take everything too seriously.
8. Your classmates are your friends, not your competition.
Although some people act like it is, remember to help your peers with that page of notes they're missing and maybe they'll return the favor.
9. Drink plenty of coffee to stay awake during those last few classes and library campouts.
10. Don't take your anger out on other people.
Roommates don't tend to be very happy when you take the tension that's been building up in your shoulders from being in the library all day and throw it in their face -- whether with your voice or in the form of passive-
11. A spontaneous dance sesh is a great idea for a study break (or for any time ever).
Turn on your favorite fire playlist and let loose like no one's watching.
12. Don't lose your personality when you inevitably lose your sanity.
Who says you can't study productively while still charming your friends? Everyone could use the comic relief.
13. Encourage your friends regularly because they are going through the same thing you are.
Everyone feels that stress and dread when it comes to final exams, so be there