This open letter is coming to you in two parts. The first being for the students and the second, for the parents. Here we go!
Dear Students,
Look at you!! Almost done with the first semester. You have worked so hard to get here and now the end is in sight! Only a few more days to go and then you are home free (literally) for the entirety of Christmas Vacation! I know that finals are grueling, and there are often final essays due around this time as well, but don't worry! You will be fine.
Let me repeat that: You. Will. Be. Fine. Your professors are not out to get you, they truly want you to succeed. Everyone is on your side here. Your parents will not hate you if you get a grade lower than you were hoping for, and just because you may not earn 100 percent does not mean that your future is ruined. This just teaches you how to study differently next time. I am not strong in History or Math courses, so I know they take more effort when I am studying for those. Don't let courses outside of your major or concentration run you ragged. Learn how to get by in the class and keep pushing through! Each semester will be over before you know it.
Amidst all of your studying and paper-writing, please do not forget to take care of yourself. Eat well, don't skip meals, and sleep. All-nighters do more harm than good in the long run. You need sleep to function properly and to do as well as you can on your exams. If you are starting to feel run-down, take a break. Set a timer for an hour or so and watch some Netflix or take a nap. You'll be glad you took the time away and came back with fresh eyes.
You can do this!
Dear Parents,
We, your children, are in college now. College is a lot different and a lot more difficult than high school was. Our classes now revolve around our field of study and so they are more specific and challenging. We are also living away from home for the first time and we are learning how to function independently. This means that our grades may look a little different than they did in high school. This is normal. Some of us are being challenged for the first time in our lives and are just now learning how to study. Some of our grades may get better as we now can be more focused on our personal interests. Final exam time is especially difficult because we don't have you here to remind us to take the time to study. We are learning how to manage time all on our own and sometimes it takes a semester or two to get the hang of it. We will get there.
If our grades are a bit worse than they used to be, please don't inquire about them. We are aware of the difference and we probably feel pretty ashamed and are hoping we aren't failing you. Instead, ask us what we found difficult about the course and how we can adjust our study habits accordingly. Ask us what tutoring resources are available to us. Please remember that this is all new for us, and we only want your support and love. Oh, and a nice long break from classes.
We have likely been counting down the days until Vacation since September! We cannot wait to spend the holiday season back home, but in the meantime, we miss you more than you know and we are doing our best to make you proud.