How to Survive Ant-Kansas-ica, like Antarctica but Kansas during the winter; which apparently lasts until Mid-April. This is my second winter here in Kansas from Texas, but I still have not gotten used to the wintery weather. So once again, I’ll try to tell you how to survive An-Kansas-ica.
1. Do not go outside when it’s colder than 35 degrees.
IT. IS. TOO. COLD. I’m kidding, if we didn’t go outside to go to class whenever it was this cold we wouldn’t have school in the winter.
2. Make lots of hot chocolate.
Make sure to add marshmallows and whipped cream! (This goes without saying but make sure you’re wearing fuzzy socks, it enhances the experience x100)
3. Do not touch the white stuff that falls from the sky, even if it is pretty, don’t do it.
I know making a snowman and having snowball fights sound like a good idea…but don’t speak until you’ve touched it.
4. Get a small heater for your bedroom.
Turn it on in the morning when you’re getting ready or going to bed. You won’t regret it.
5. Do not procrastinate.
I know it’s hibernation season, but if you procrastinate it will only bring you sadness.
6. Read a book.
One of those cute feel-good books, that’ll warm up your heart for the cold season!
7. Make dinner instead of going and buying dinner.
Turn on the oven, some good music, get some good smells flowing all through your house. (Also, the stove, basically a heater for your home.)
8. Get to bed early, wake up feeling alive.
I find that my attitude towards the cold weather is much happier when I’m also not tired.
9. Pamper yourself.
It’s the winter, treat your skin to a refreshing time!
10. Layer more than you think.
You think you only need one pair of pants until you step outside and it’s too late to change.
If you follow these ten rules, then I’m sure you’ll be able to survive in Ant-Kansas-ica!