So there are always a thousand and one plus articles on the internet that suggest ways for you to survive your finals week of school. But What are you supposed to do after you make it the to the finish line? You have just spent the last week of your life in an endless blur and now you have no idea what to do with yourself. So here are just a few things to remember as you claw your way back to civilization.
1. Massage parlor, ASAP
Go work out all of those tight shoulders, pounding headaches, and nervousness. You did it. It's over.
2. Go to your favorite restaurant
Treat yourself to a well balanced meal, especially since you were probably skipping a few for a while there, right?
3. Visit the animal shelter
Those babies need some love to, go ahead and spend an hour or two there playing with some puppies and kittens.
4. Grab a carton of your favorite ice cream
After your nice well balanced deal, go grab that ice cream. Hey, you deserved it.
5. Turn off your alarms
Every single one. Do it now. When was the last time you actually let your body wake up naturally?
6. Drink lots of water
So we are all familiar with the different beverages that do the trick in keeping you awake later, but please get yourself hydrated again.
7. Enjoy a long car ride with your favorite music
This can sometimes be the most relaxing action ever.
9. Do some laundry
Take off the sweatshirt you were wearing for five days straight. That needs to be the first thing in the machine.
10. Essentials oils are your new best friend
Just lay in bed and breath in the sweet, calming aroma.
11. Reunite with your long lost friends
Even if you live in the same apartment, do you actually remember the last time you had dinner together?
Now that you have successfully survived the hell week that is finals week, don't forget to keep taking care of your body afterward. The worst thing you can do is form unhealthy habits and a poor routine.