I recorded responses from college students of all grades describing their current state of mind as they prepare for the end of the year. Do you feel the same way? If you can't relate, these are the realities of many during this crunch to the end of the year.
Freshman Year Mood
1. Initial thought when you wake up? "Study"
2. Food Craving? "Chocolate"
3. How many hours do you sleep? "8"
4. How do you relax from studying? "Take a nap"
5. If you could tell your professors anything? "I need more time"
6. What will you do after your last test? "Pack to go home"
7. Study Skills? "Quizlet"
8. Overcoming Mental Breakdown? "Watch a movie"
9. Biggest misconception about finals week? "There is time to go out"
10. What will you look back on about finals week? "Knowing that you don't have to study every minute of the day"
Sophomore Year Mood
1. Initial thought when you wake up? - "What is the weather today"
2. Food Craving? "Breakfast food"
3. How many hours do you sleep? "9"
4. How do you relax from studying? "Sit outside"
5. If you could tell your professors anything? "Please don't make the tests too hard"
6. What will you do after your last test? " Get ready for SUMMER"
7. Study Skills? "rewrite your notes"
8. Overcoming Mental Breakdown? "take a break"
9. Biggest misconception about finals week? "tests are not a hundred questions long"
10. What will you look back on about finals week? "If you time manage you don't have to do all-nighters"
Junior Year Mood
1. Initial thought when you wake up? - "How am I going to get through today"
2. Food Craving? "Candy anything with sugar"
3. How many hours do you sleep? "6"
4. How do you relax from studying? "I don't plug through is the only option"
5. If you could tell your professors anything? "Am I in a circus"
6. What will you do after your last test? " reward myself BIG time"
7. Study Skills? "Don't sleep until you know it"
8. Overcoming Mental Breakdown? "Rely on friends and your Mom"
9. Biggest misconception about finals week? " It is actually my favorite week if you know what you're doing in your classes. You don't have busy work"
10. What will you look back on about finals week? "That I should have studied earlier"
Senior Year Mood
1. Initial thought when you wake up? - " I think about everything I have to do, more importantly I ned to pass my finance class"
2. Food Craving? "Ice Cream"
3. How many hours do you sleep? "4"
4. How do you relax from studying? "I watch an episode of my favorite TV show"
5. If you could tell your professors anything? "Nothing nice"
6. What will you do after your last test? " Go get a drink"
7. Study Skills? "When it comes to formulas, memorization is key... flashcards"
8. Overcoming Mental Breakdown? "You are allowed to have one, but regroup"
9. Biggest misconception about finals week? "You have to spend an equal amount of time for every class to study... If you know it, don't over do it"
10. What will you look back on about finals week? "That I made It through"