Finals week is right around the corner and if you're anything like myself, you probably have no motivation to anything related to school.
I've put together a foolproof plan to stay motivated and to finish off the school year strong.
Give yourself breaks.
Don't try to study for three hours straight. You'll lose focus about 10 minutes into doing readings or making flashcards. To avoid this, study for 30 minutes (while focused) and take a few minutes to grab a snack or to refresh your Twitter or Instagram feed. Just don't get lost in social media for hours on end because that defeats the purpose.
Don't cram!!!
Everybody tells you that cramming doesn't work, but for some God forsaken reason, we all do it anyways. Cramming for an exam just stresses me out even more so I find it easier to plan out a study schedule.
That brings me to my next tip:
Make a schedule.
Personally, I like to write things down in my planner to make sure that I know when things need to be done by. I like to schedule when I'm going to study and for how long. I usually give myself a couple of days to study for one exam, so I usually start before finals week begins. It just lessens stress and my workload!
Get some sleep.
I understand that college consists of late nights in the library or in your dorm studying. I get it. Nobody wants to study too little and know nothing on their exams, but you have to make time for a normal sleeping schedule. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep, especially during finals week. You'll wake up being more refreshed and you'll probably do better on your exams.
Don't freak out!
Yeah we all want to have amazing greats and glorious GPA's, but sometimes the class material just doesn't stick and you only two point a class. That's okay! We're human. We're definitely not perfect! Don't overwork yourself. If you find yourself super stressed, take a break and treat yourself. It's super important that you make your mental health as important as your grades, if not more important.
With that being said, good luck everybody! Make this your best finals week yet!