With second semester coming to an end, and summer right around the corner, it's definitely hard to stay motivated in school. Here are some tips on how to keep your motivation and grades up during the final weeks of school:
1. Compromise with yourself
Everyone has a little angel and devil on their shoulder telling them what they should do and what they truly want to do, so it is important to let each of them win sometimes, in order to stay productive, but sane during the last hectic weeks of school.
2. Plan your days at the beginning of the week
Since the weather is warming up, and you will definitely want to soak up the sun, check out the weather report at the beginning of the week and try to pack in work on the more gloomy days. This way, when it's warm and sunny and everyone is having fun outside, you can join guilt-free.
3. Keep your room clean
A big part about feeling less hectic and stressed is the environments in which you live and study. If you find it hard to focus, check out your surrounding area and do a little cleaning to get an uncluttered space and an uncluttered mind.
4. Make a finals schedule
Make sure that you schedule out your finals studying and paper prep ahead of time, so when the time comes, you won't be overwhelmed with multiple finals at once.
5. Schedule in procrastination time
Yes, I know this sounds crazy, but everyone has a need to procrastinate, so you might as well expect that you will and prepare for it. Little social media or television breaks go a long way because rewarding yourself with mindless activities can make the mind-intensive ones more focused!