There are a lot of ways to keep yourself healthy and happy. For example, it is important to get proper exercise and sleep, while maintaining low levels of stress and strong relationships. Here is some information of proper health and fitness.
The importance of fitness and exercise works hand in hand with nutrition and diets. Exercise is what helps the body control its fat and muscles amounts. A person need to exercise so that they can get their bodies awakened and ready to be functional. People use muscles every day in order to perform certain actions. For example, a person needs to be able to walk to class or swallow food. Exercising just helps the muscle maintain strength in order to do those things. Exercise can consist of aerobic, cardio, even strength training. This helps the body stay strong and carry on. Strength training can consist of lifting weights or simple motor exercises like picking up a glass. Cardio works on the heart and how much a person can run or build endurance. Aerobic exercising consist of basic stretches and advanced movement.
Stress is something that occurs with every person. People can get stress from homework assignments, work, work being late, worry, and a lot more different things. Stress can cause a person to feel anxious and gain possible physical issues. Stress can cause a person to have shortness of breath, eating disorders, biting nails, heart rate increases, and even possible death. It is important that when a person notices that they are becoming stressed, they should immediately take a break. They could color a picture, watch a movie or play a video game. It is essential that a person not to get over-stressed.
Sleep is a body function that every living thing needs in order to survive. Sleep provides energy and enables people to make it through the day. Most people do not get the ideal about of sleeping required. Most people get less than 7 hours of sleep, and struggle to make it through their days. Though it is important to sleep the amount that a body needs, it is also important that a person does not get too much sleep. This can have just as bad of an effect as a person who does not get enough sleep.
Relationships are what helps a person gain a sense of security. People need these in order to not have social detachment. There are three different kind of socializing styles that people have. There are the extroverts who are the highest social level; they get energy from talking to other people and going to parties. Then there are the introverts who need to take breaks from socializing. They can enjoy a great party, but still need time to themselves. Finally, there are the people who can live with both. These are the ambiverts. They can socialize all day long, but not have a problem with playing videogames alone for two days. With that, these personality types are what helps build relationships. Healthy relationships are key elements to happiness