Every day throughout the world numerous newsworthy events occur. Some people pay attention to them and some people don't. Some people eat, sleep and breathe the news, while some couldn't care less what happens in the world around them. Many people claim that they don't have the time to sit and watch the news or read the newspaper, but with so any important things happening daily, how could you not make the time?
While I am certainly not setting aside the time everyday to sit and watch the five o’clock news, I still pride myself in staying up-to-date on what is happening in the world. With the advancements in technology it is easier than ever to stay caught up in the world around us. Phone alerts, emails and social media have made it effortless to stay connected. Here are a few simple ways to stay current with trending topics around the world, no matter how busy you are.
Subscribe to theSkimm:
theSkimm emailing service is basically the unicorn of new sources. Every morning Monday through Friday they email you a briefing on what happened throughout the world the previous day. TheSkimm includes everything from political, sports and pop culture news and is written in an enjoyable, easy to read manner.The best part about receiving the daily Skimm, is that you don't have to remember to do anything because they do all the hard work, by directly emailing it to you every morning. To subscribe to theSkimm follow this link and enter your email.
Download Apps from the News Category:
About ten times a day my phone goes off alerting me of a breaking news story. Each major news outlet company has their own app but they all essentially work in the same manner. Once a breaking news event happens, the app alerts you and gives you a headline of information on the topic. When you’re sitting in class bored, in a boring meeting or are just generally bored, you can swipe through your news app and become up-to-date on the current happenings.
Another great place to get news without having to download an additional app, is Twitter. While most of the time college students and others use the app to post irrelevant tweets, the app can also be used to stay up-to-date on current events. All it takes is following a few news sources or sliding over to the “Moments” tab to catch up with the world around you.
Whether you watch the news, listen to the radio, or follow a few extra news sources, it is incredibly important to stay up-to-date with the world around you.