We're a special breed, us Long Islanders. There is some intangible factor each of us carries within ourselves that forever marks us as being from Long Island. Maybe it's the attitude. Maybe it's the loudness. Maybe it's the incessant mentioning of our pizza and bagels. Whatever the reason, when we venture off of our safe little island, people can spot us from a mile away. It's a blessing and a curse.
He's walking fast
Like super fast, like I have a train to catch get the f*** out of my way fast. And he looks at the ground as he's walking. No eye contact. It wastes time.
She has an iced coffee in her hand
In August... and in January, too. All year long, and always Dunkin' Donuts.
He's blasting rap from his Beats headphones
Her hair is straightened
We cannot leave the house unless every strand is as straight as an arrow.He's holding a lacrosse stick
She's asking to go to the beach
Once we leave the island, we are literally like fish out of water.He's eating a slice of pizza
Folded in half and with one had. Like it's supposed to be eaten.She's wearing Uggs
One of her seven pairs.He has road rage
"Learn to f***ing drive you piece of s***!" he screams at the grandma in the Buick in front of him.She had a Sweet 16 bigger than your mom's wedding
He's Italian
His name is probably Tony and his mom makes the best meatballs.She's super hard to understand sometimes
What exactly is a "dawg"?He drinks from a paper bag on the LIRR
Because why pay $15 for a drink in the city when a Four Loco is $3?
When she wakes up hungover all she wants is a BEC
There is no better cure, it's a scientific fact.She talks about how amazing Long Island is so much you want to slap her in the face
You really can't understand unless you're a Long Islander. Your loss.