Winter break is 3/4 of the way over, and while this is bittersweet news, there is still time to accomplish important tasks before going back to school. Here are some ideas of ways you can spend your remaining few days of break!
1. Have a movie marathon
Winter break is the perfect time for marathons of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, and of course, Star Wars. With your remaining time of break, gather your friends together for a movie marathon of your favorite movie series! (No shame in doing this task alone either)
2. Volunteer
Rack up some great volunteer or shadowing hours during your last week. Many charities and shelters would gladly take your help especially around this time of year. Don't forget to log your hours as well.
3. Clean out your closet
Who took way too many clothes to school? And who had to try to take these said clothes home over winter break? Who still has a full wardrobe in their closet that they never wear anymore? Chances are you have at least ten items you have forgotten you own. Donate these clothes to Goodwill or sell them to second hand shops like Plato's Closet!
4. Surprise your parents with breakfast in bed
This one is a little harder to do since it will require you to wake up a little earlier than you might be accustomed to, but it will be worth it. You can whip up a quick and easier scrambled eggs and bacon breakfast in thirty minutes and surprise your hardworking parents with breakfast in bed.
5. Make New Year's resolutions
It still is not too late to make resolutions or plans for the new year. Be realistic, but be creative. Not everyone's list has to say "lose ten pounds" or "be nice." Try things like "compliment one person every day" or "be generous" instead.
6. Run one mile a day
There are seven days left in break. You can run seven miles aka 36,960 feet in the next week. Exercise is a great stress reliever and you can go ahead and get into some healthy habits to bring back to school.
7. Find your textbooks
Avoid the long lines at the bookstore and the added stress of finding your books once you are back at college by checking your schedule now to see what books you need. You can compare the prices of renting or buying your textbooks from various distributors to find the best price.
8. Start a new Netflix series
I recently started Grey's Anatomy and it was the best/worst decision of my break. Nonetheless, I still recommend exploring Netflix especially since they add new episodes of shows often. Just make sure you can handle the balance between Netflix and schoolwork when you return.
9. Start a blog
Blogs or journals can be great ways to keep yourself accountable and remember important events that happened to you. By writing one entry a day, you can look back later and laugh at what your wrote. You will refreshen your writing skills in a different way.
10. Catch up on sleep
You still have a few days left to sleep in or sleep all day if you would like to choose to do so! Enjoy your comfy beds at home before you go back to twin sized mattresses.
11. Plan your spring break
You can spend this time to plan your spring break! Talk with your friends and see if you can book a house for skiing, the beach, or a cool metropolitan destination! Housing will go quickly as spring break approaches so act now.
12. Become used to writing 2016
Before going back to school, you should practice writing 2016 or 1/4/16. It is actually quite difficult to remember to write the new year and I find myself writing 2015 without even noticing.
I hope you enjoy your last week of winter break, and good luck this semester!