This black Friday, instead of waiting long lines and getting swarmed by a large crowd just to get a good deal, grab friends or family and try these suggestions.
Set Up Your Christmas Tree
The day after thanksgiving is the best day to get in the Christmas spirit. Play some Christmas music, bring out your decorations and grab your family to help you out. You are sure to have a great time and you will be ready for Christmas.
Go Ice Skating
Even if you are not good at skating, you are sure to have a blast ice skating. This is by far my favorite thing to do on Black Friday. Not only is this a great workout (burning off some of Thanksgiving dinner), but skating with your friends to Christmas music is sure to get you in the holiday spirt.
Go Bowling
Not many people would think to go bowling on black Friday, but the alleys are typically empty and it's a great activity to do with friends and family.
Watch a Christmas Movie
Whether you decided to go shopping, Ice Skating, Bowling, or you set up your Christmas tree, a great way to end the day is to snuggle up with a nice cup of hot chocolate or eggnog and some popcorn and watch a Christmas movie. My personal favorite and recommendation is "It's a Wonderful Life"
I wish everyone a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!😊🦃