I like to think I’m pretty funny. But, every now and then I make a joke and nobody laughs. Naturally, I assume they just didn't get it (my jokes are usually very intellectual...JK)! So, I proceed to explain in great detail why my joke is funny. Big mistake! You know the saying, "When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME?" I can personally attest that this is 110% true. So, if you ever find yourself in this situation, here's how to get through it without having to transfer schools, change your name and join witness protection, as told by Jenny Slate:
So, you have just told a bad joke… And nobody is laughing
And you start to panic
But, then you realize. It's not you, It's them
So finally, you just let them know
And there you have it, crisis averted
These gifs were pulled from an interview on Seth Meyers. For the full video, that has absolutely nothing to do with getting through a bad joke, click the link below. It's definitely worth the watch.