Carpe That Diem Everybody! | The Odyssey Online
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Carpe That Diem Everybody!

Seize the day in your own way.

Carpe That Diem Everybody!

There are two things that motivate me to seize the day and not waste this precious fragment of time that we spend on this incredible planet. From the time I was a young girl, I found that these two ideals always rested at the top of my list. I just had never known how to communicate exactly what I was looking for until now. These notions are spreading inspiration and using my full potential to do what I previously thought was I couldn’t. Of course, there are endless ways in which I can inspire and uncover possibilities. However, I would like to shed a light on the most relevant strategies that I pursue in my daily life. “Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success”- Swami Sivananda.

At a first glance, it may seem like I am just a plain cliche when I tell you that I constantly input effort to not only inspire myself but motivate others to see from a deeper and more worldly perspective. Nonetheless, It is a serious characteristic of mine. I literally have an entire section of my bedroom wall dedicated to self-derived and pre-written quotes. I call it my inspiration station. It is filled with a surplus of colorful index cards and sticky notes. In addition, my inspiration station has two different envelopes: One for holding blank sticky notes for friends and family to write on, and the other is where the ‘letters of inspiration’ are placed. Eventually, I even printed out some of my favorite illustrated quotes to tape onto the other walls of my room. Truthfully, my room is my happy place because I chose to fill it with positivity and personal encouragement. Part of what makes me feel like I am extracting full use of these quotes, insights, and open-minded ideals is by passing them onto others when they need genuine advice or guidance. Honestly, a lot of people (especially my friends) taunt me about it, but this wave of motivation is truly what keeps me from falling apart.

Coincidentally, because of my thirst for knowledge, understanding of the world, and hope for a sense of purpose, I began to write. It is one very detrimental outlet for me to be able to express both what I feel inspires me and what is blocking me from finding my “inner-nirvana”. At first, it began with writing simple poems about my perspective on life. Suddenly, this genuine liberation blossomed into writing songs, stories, and advice blogs. My love for writing integrated with my love for theater, and I soon began to write inspirational plays and raps. The rap I am most proud of is my tribute to the indescribably heroic Elie Wiesel, who had recently passed this July. It hit me hard to comprehend that such an unbelievably impactful man had left this world and so I felt that it was imperative for me to demonstrate how much he influenced the country and the globe with a respectful and unforgettable tribute.

I could unquestionably share my deep love of writing with you for hours, however, I believe it is equally crucial that I tell you about my second most significant motivation in life. It is to always push myself to be the better version of what I was before. I strongly agree that my hobbies are perfect opportunities in which I can see my own progress and development. These avocations include Theatre, Singing, Ukulele/Guitar, Dance, and Volleyball. These four (not including writing) activities are definitely my strongest areas of focus behind academics. I feel that both individually and collectively they help me feel like a more confident, accomplished, and driven person. All my life, I have always had a vigorous desire for a strong purpose. Over time, I end up restlessly trying to achieve so many things that I over-exhaust, over-stress, and never “stop and smell the roses”. As I matured into a young adult, I embarked to accept the concept of living in the now and showing utter gratitude, therefore I sometimes give myself time to just be. Nevertheless, it is still extremely difficult to pause on every wheel churning in your mind; to stop abruptly in your endless tracks of thoughts and realize how swiftly time flew by and who you have become up until this point.

With that said, when I look around at school, I see an abundance of students who are highly dedicated to their academic status and craft, and I truly think it keeps me on edge. Yes, in most circumstances, it is brilliant to surround yourself with people that make you subconsciously want to be better in every shape and form. On the flip side, there are instances where I lose control of the reigns and I am just too overwhelmed and make an inferior out of myself. It sucks to be in the dumps. Nobody ever wants to experience that excruciating melancholy and that horrifying question of, “Why should I even try, I’ll never be enough”. When I lose that inner-faith, I remind myself that perfection is impossible, I am one unique individual, and I can be the greatest me anytime I choose to access the positivity.

I would love to conclude with a very important fact that many teenagers fail to remember is that we used to do the things we do now simply because we loved them and these passions made us happy. We must hold on to our foundations and conquer all the opportunities involving our passions before you live your life as a minimally-rewarding chore. I believe that realizing your own extraordinary truth and potential can make a world of a difference. Whatever it may be! On the contrary…Yes, a plethora of us wishes to make our mammoth mark on this world and become the creme of the crop. There are almost a billion things I yearn to create and find triumph with. Yet, ultimately, the one piece of honesty that will lead to the success of any person is knowing that all beauty and positive discovery comes from an eternal love and respect for oneself and the dozens of others who aided you to reach each and every milestone. As soon as you find the gratitude in how far you’ve come, and you are willing to start each day with intent of loving, fulfilling, crossing new borders, and finding new truths, you are golden.

I wish you the very best on your own Odyssey. Thank you for listening to a part of mine.

All my love,


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