The first week of college is a blast. Time is spent reuniting with old pals, hitting up the (college) town, and remembering all the wonderful aspects that make campus the best place to be. The school workload right now is pretty low, but you know that is only the calm before the storm.
Now that week two of the semester has arrived, you can expect a slight lifestyle change. This is how to make your second week of college a successful one.
1. Go to class.
The professors are no longer discussing the syllabus. They even expect you to know the syllabus. Once class time begins, be ready with your notebook because you have a full period of lecture coming at you. Start off on the right foot now, because it only gets worse from here.
2. Start reading.
Crack open those overpriced textbooks and get highlighting. You do not want to fall behind on reading, because it will only make life worse in the long-run. By reading while the workload is still somewhat low and you still have a grip on your sanity, you will save yourself from a mental break down later. Besides, you spent way too much of that hard-earned cash for the book to sit on a shelf.
3. Sleep.
Week one is all about the fun. Week two is the entrance to the real world. Get plenty of rest this week; you need it to recover from last week and prepare for the next 15. Treat yourself to a nap... or a few.
4. Make friends.
Now is a good time to start hinting to that girl sitting next you in lecture that you're going to be best friends. It is always good to have at least one ally in each class in case you ever need notes or a study buddy.
5. Get involved.
Yes, it is cliche and you've heard it from every advisor already-- but you really do need to get involved. Take advantage of every opportunity. Continue your old passions or try out new ones; this is the time to do it. Does it really get any better than making new friends while doing what you love?
6. Enjoy.
Just because syllabus week is over doesn't mean that the fun is over. Be sure to make time for activities you enjoy. You are currently a professional student and your goal should be to learn and prepare yourself for success. That being said, this is your last chance to have the occasional "yolo" moment before the real world hits you at full-force. Make your experiences worth remembering.