February can be an expensive month if you have a significant other. Not everything you do this month (or next) needs to cost money. Here are 10 ways to save some serious cash.
Re-watch your favorite movies
ESPECIALLY one that will give you nostalgic feelings.
Have a dance party
Be sure to invite your closest friends and be ready to sing your favorite song.
Watch the sunset
When was the last time you actually watched the sunset? These past two years we have been giving the moon all the attention. I think we should show the sun some love.
Invite your friends over and play a board game
Monopoly can be a good way to test the strength of your friendship!
Rearrange your furniture
It gives your places a new look and it is fun to redecorate!
Visit your local library
When was the last time you really let yourself go and read a book?
Practice orgami
So that way you can show of your new skill on your next date.
Make a time capsule
Gather things around your house that represent the time you are living in.
Call a family member that you haven't talked to in a while
I'm sure they would love to hear your voice.