Step 1: Don’t spend money! Try not to get a scam credit card like I did. They will charge you money for stuff randomly. If your going to get a credit card always pay it off. Don’t spend money you don’t have.
Step 2: Live at home and try to save all your money! Live at home until you save at least a down payment on a house.
Step 3: Buy a house instead of renting one. Buy a car instead of leasing, so at least one day you will own it and not have to constantly pay for it.
Step 4: Use coupons if you are going to buy anything. There are coupons for food, clothes, make up shoes and basically everything. Wait for Black Friday and cyber Monday to shop for winter clothes.
Step 5: Get a sugar daddy or sugar momma! 😂 This will help you save on everything!
Step 6: Invest in stocks or get a cd. I don’t know a lot about stocks but my brother Alex Pitti does so look up his videos just search his name on google your welcome. I have a cd in the bank which is a secured way of making a little money and I won’t lose any money.
Step 7: Try to not buy Starbucks every day because 5$s adds up. Try to paint your nails yourself, so you save 40$.
Step 8: Make a budget and never spend more than it. If you only carry a certain amount of money with you there is no way of going over your budget.
Step 9: Rob a bank. I don’t recommend this one!
Step 10: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Not only is this great for the environment but you will also save money as well.
Step 11: Put change in a bucket and save that at least. Change does add up eventually. Always pick up those pennies.