Kog'Maw is an old champion in "League of Legends", known for being a late game hyper carry. However, he is very squishy and immobile, so in order to get Kog'Maw to his late game power, a team composition needs to be built around him. There are many champions you can draft in order to accomplish this. In this article, I will be going over what champions you can draft in each lane, what items you should buy, and what each role's job is when you are protecting Kog'Maw.
Top Lane: The top laner you draft will be the tank of the team. He will also have a lot of CC built into his kit so he can peel for the immobile Kog. Some champions that fulfill this role are Maokai, Sion, Gnar, Nautilus, Shen and Tahm Kench. All of these Champions provide an absurd amount of peel for the Kog'Maw. They also are all tanky. Of course, with these tank focused top laners, you will be building tanky items. So items like Sunfire Cape, Randuin's Omen, Spirit Visage, etc.
Jungle: The jungler's job is also to be tanky and provide CC for the Kog'Maw. Some champions that can go in the jungle can also go in the top lane, such as Gragas, Nautilus and Maokai. Other champions can only be in the jungle, like Sejuani, Nunu and Rammus. All of these champions, again, are very tanky and have a lot of CC. Nunu also has Blood Boil as an ability, to make Kog'Maw attack faster even. Items are pretty standard for tank junglers: Cinderhulk, Spirit Visage, Randuin's Omen, Deadman's Plate, etc.
Mid Lane: Mid lane will be the AP damage of the team and utility for Kog'Maw. Some champions that fit this category are Karma, Orianna, Lissandra and Zilean. All of these champions have decent AP damage, provides a lot of utility for the team and also provide some more CC for the team. Items vary, depending on what champions you pick. If you have a champion that has shields like Karma and Orianna, Athenes, Ardent Censer into more AP are very good, allowing Kog to heal more and give him more attack speed. If you pick someone like Zilean and Lissandra, more AP is better, so something like Rod of Ages, Morellonomicon and Death Cap. Lissandra needs Zhonyas Hourglass as well.
Marksman: You can only pick one ADC in this comp, and that is Kog'Maw. He is the focus of the team composition.For items, you will be building Wit's End, Runaan's Hurricane, Guinsoos Rageblade, and Blade of the Ruined King. This item set gives Kog'Maw a lot of attack speed (which you need) and on hit effects, which you also need on Kog. Laning phase will be rough for Kog, but that's okay because his late game is unparalleled. Just click W and shred through everyone and as long as the rest of your team is peeling, you are allowed to do this.
Support: Support is the utility of the team as well. Some champions that fit this role are Lulu, Janna, Braum and Morgana. For champions like Lulu, build things like Ardent Censer and Athene's Unholy Grail for the Kog. If you pick a peeler support like Braum, tanky items are your choice. All the support has to do is get Kog through laning phase without feeding and to sit by Kog in team fights and peel for him.
So I hope this article has helped you in deciding how to run your JuggerMaw team composition. This composition, if the team is coordinated, can be devastating for the enemy team. Kog'Maw is very good right now and the items everyone has to build on the team are both cheap and effective. Once the 30-40 minute mark in the game hits, you can start to blow over your enemies in team fights. They will try to dive the Kog'Maw, so make sure you aren't too far away from him and that you can protect him.