Put your feet up, relax, and enjoy!
1. Go on a walk/exercise
Exercise is one of the most beneficial things to do if you are in need of relaxing your mind. Exercising boosts your serotonin and will ultimately boost your mood as your body will feel better too!
2. Yoga or meditation
Yoga and meditation are best if you are a chronic over-thinker, as you can relax your body and mind. Focusing your attention to easing our mind will help you feel so much better.
3. Take a bath
Grab some bubbles, candles and play some music. Taking a bath is my personal favorite, as you are able to just lay in warmth and comfort. You can leave all your problems at the door or give yourself that alone time to think about what you need to in order to calm your thoughts.
4. Have a "spa" day
Grab some nail polish (or if you are a guy slap your hands in some warm water, clip your cuticles and nails and relax), slap a face mask on, play some relaxing music. Maybe even treat yourself to a massage, I promise you will be feeling more at ease instantly. Yes, it is cliche that feeling pretty will make you feel better. But it is true that taking care of yourself physically can help you feel better mentally.
5. Do something you love
Everyone has that one little hobby that brings nothing but peace and joy to your mind. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take 5 minutes out of your busy day to do this activity. You don't need long, but take some time to do what you love and it will bring happiness to your stressful, hard work filled days.
6. Create some art
It does not matter whether or not you paint like Picasso or like a 5 year old. Art is a very helpful way to ease your mind as you can create any image you please. You can paint how you're feeling or just put random colors on the page. If art is not your style, you could also write a poem or just write down your feelings. Any way you need to, just express your feelings creatively. It will give you a sense of control over life, allowing you to calm your mind.
7. Watch your favorite movie or read your favorite book
It is often hard to find time to relax, especially during the holiday season. Now whether you are over-loaded with work you must finish before the semester ends or you just work too much- creating an hour or so for yourself to watch a movie you love or read a book that excites you, you can take your mind elsewhere for a little bit allowing yourself to relax.