Once finals are over it is the best thing. You get to relax, stress is gone, and you don't have to worry about if anything is due, Here are 10 ways that you can relax and celebrate now that finals are over.
1. Sleep all day.
During finals we sometimes forget what sleep is, so after finals you deserve to sleep for however long you want. Late nights studying and working, you deserve your sleep.
2. Shop until you drop.
Sometimes I take "treat yourself" too far but after a long week of finals who cares. Go out there and buy whatever you want. The key to not feeling bad is just keep telling yourself "I deserve it."
Go buy an outfit that makes you feel good about yourself.
3. Eat the food you want.Â
Listen, this one may be too far but again YOU DESERVE IT. Go out and eat whatever, during finals you may have forgot what food even looked like.
So go and buy yourself a large pizza, extra cheese, crust stuff, and enjoy,
5. Reconnect with life.Â
Reconnect with life. During finals you may have forgot what outside looked like. Go outside, take a walk, breathe in the air, reconnect with friends.
6. It's ok, you don't have a paper due tomorrow.Â
Us college students automatically have a feeling that we have something due, but you don't! You are on break.
Try not to even think about school for at least a few days, trust me you are ok, you already turned in your last paper.
7. Reflect.Â
Reflect on yourself. Think about things you would do differently next semester, set goals for yourself,
8. Go buy presents.Â
Finals may have fuzzed your mind and you may have forgotten, but you do have to go get presents for your family for Christmas. I know, I know, this is your reminder.
9. Breathe child. Â
Breathe, I think us college students feel like we have to always be on our A-game, even on break.
10. Just in case you need to know.Â
Lastly, just in case you haven't heard it, GOOD JOB! You finished a semester of college which is an accomplishment. It does not matter if you did not get that 4.0 GPA you did your best!
I may not know you personally but from one college student to another I know you probably worked extra hard because sometimes college is extra hard.
You did it, keep going, and finish strong.
Enjoy your break, I hope you relax, and I hope the next semester is even better!