The week of finals is a hectic week with stress added on top of your assignments. This is a week most people dread, but following a few of these tips will help to relieve the stress, so you can power through those finals and ace those exams.
1. Journaling
Journaling can be extremely beneficial to reduce stress in busy schedules. This is the time to write down any thoughts or feelings on actual paper to properly express yourself. This can be done in a private journal or an app that records your feelings for the day when you feel the need to jot it down. Journaling is your private and personal way to rant and express the stress that is overwhelming without feeling judged.
Your thoughts are powerful, and once you write them all down, it helps to continue pushing through long hours of studying and taking back-to-back exams. This form of therapy is great for your mental health especially when you do not suppress your feelings and instead embrace them. Embracing it can change your mindset moving forward on how to handle finals in a healthy way in the next semester.
2. Taking walks
Taking short or long walks is beneficial to step back from studying and working on assignments to get a breath of fresh air. Walks are a way to step away from your hours of studying and give your eyes a break from its strain on laptops and other devices.
Some people might like to take do it with a walking buddy, so this can be a way to catch up with a friend and discuss the upcoming week. Walking buddies are a great way to motivate you to take these walks frequently and get a well-deserved break. Getting your body moving and your blood pumping produces endorphins which can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health in the long run.
3. Exercise
Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Exercising does not have to be an intense workout routine; it can be a simple ten-minute workout video on YouTube. Working out can be from taking a walk, doing yoga, or even Zumba. Zumba is a great way to get your heart pumping and body moving in a fun environment. A simple and engaging workout is all you need to reduce some of your stress and nerves for your upcoming finals.
These tips allow you to focus on your mental health while dealing with an overwhelming season college students face at the end of every semester. Focusing on your mental health helps you more than anything, but it also helps your mind to become anew and refreshed when you go back to studying.