Dear whoever it may concern,
If you are one of those people who truly loves our beautiful country with all your heart, you know that as a nation we are slowly starting to crumble. Even if you know absolutely nothing about how deep our problems go, it's pretty obvious that something's not right.
Just to name a few of the things that have been on the news: the threat of terrorism in and out of our country, nation-wide financial issues with our economy, and even who will become the next president of the United States, all weighs heavy on our minds (or at least it should be weighing heavy on our minds).
Being a God-fearing, and a politically-informed seventeen-year-old, I personally think about it at lot.
Therefore, I know our problems run so much deeper. Yes, some of our problems are the things I listed above, but here are some of the real problems: we are murdering innocent babies. We are okay with the idea of allowing thousands of refugees in this country when we don't even take proper care of our brave heroes who RISKED THEIR LIVES TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY. Our government officials jump at the opportunity to take away our guns after a shooting *insert sarcasm here* cause I mean the gun pulls the trigger automatically, right? It's never the person behind the gun's fault. Most importantly, we are taking God out of everything when we need Him the most.
Fellow Christians, we can't keep dancing around this. It is what it is, whether you decide to accept it or not.
Please wake up before it's too late. We all have to stop looking for someone else to blame for all our issues when really it's ourselves. Why? Cause we're putting the same people in power who are trying to make to make laws that prevent us from praying in public. The people who defend other people's religions throw Christianity (the religion our country was founded on) to the dogs when someone gets offended.
As you start to decide who you'll be voting for in November, if you haven't already, whether it's on the Republican or the Democratic ticket, I pray you vote for the candidate who you, not think, but know that will protect Christianity and all the principles of it that America was founded on.
So, how do we make America really great again? We defend God because he defended us and continues to defend us, His children, every single second of the day. No one besides God can save this country, that's why we need people in government positions who we know we'll defend Him when the talk of taking him off of our money and out of the pledge.
God, we need you more than ever. Our country is turning away from you and I pray you continue to bless us, even though we are so unworthy of your blessing, with a true God-fearing leader who will put us back on track serving you as a nation.
A teenager who fully still believes it's not too late for this country, to still be one nation under God.