Universal truth: the hardest goodbye you have to say when you leave for school is to your pets.
If you’re not a pet owner, then it sounds a little dramatic. But it’s not. Yeah, I’m going to miss my family and friends, but thanks to smartphones everywhere, I can literally text, call, FaceTime, or Skype them whenever I want. Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter also assure me that I can stay up to date on their outfit of the day and also learn about what new cereal they discovered at the grocery store. It will be like I never left.
But my dogs are for petting and snuggling on 90 degree days. How will I live without their hot breath on my leg every morning as I eat breakfast? It’s not the same, and I’m already dreading my most soul-crushing goodbye.
As you pack up your car and get ready to leave, here’s how to properly say goodbye to your four legged soul mates: