How To Prepare For A New Harry Potter Release
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How To Prepare For A New Harry Potter Release

We did our waiting-- nine years of it!

How To Prepare For A New Harry Potter Release
IB Times

Attention any and all fans of Harry Potter: July 31 is nearly upon us. The fated date that every Potterhead is sure to know as the birthday of both Harry Potter and our queen, J.K. Rowling, is this year also the release date for the book version of Rowling’s new play, "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child." This play is said to follow the next generation—the children of old favorites Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, etc.—as they tackle their own time at Hogwarts. The play has already debuted in London, but for those of us stuck in other parts of the Wizarding World, this book of the script is the promised continuing of a legacy. As there hasn’t been a new Harry Potter book since Deathly Hallows nine years ago, wizards, witches, and muggles alike will all be partying like it’s 2007. So whether you’ve been a die-hard fan since the very beginning or only recently hopped on the Hogwarts Express, here are some ways you can prepare yourself for this new release.

1. Get Sorted

The importance of house identity in the Harry Potter books is no secret. With Slytherin markedly known for producing cunning or evil wizards, Gryffindor taking pride in the brave, Ravenclaw exclusively selecting the intelligent, and Hufflepuff accepting all hard-workers, it’s fun to see where you might fit in. If you have not yet chosen a house for yourself, take a Sorting Hat quiz! You can find them all over the internet, including a very good one on the official Pottermore website. Once you find out your Hogwarts house, consider taking the Ilvermorny sorting quiz as well, in preparation for November’s "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" movie release!

2. Dress Up In Your Wizard Robes And House Colors

There’s no way to show house pride quite like getting all dolled up in house colors! The iconic green and silver, blue and grey (or bronze, if you stay true to the books), red and gold, and yellow and black will let your fellow wizards and witches know if you’re in Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Hufflepuff, respectively. But it doesn’t have to end there! You can accessorize with time-turners, Deathly Hallows-inspired jewelry, or sorting hats of your very own!

3. Stock Up on Snacks & Butterbeer

While those of us confined to muggle-world limitations may not find ourselves at Honeyduke’s, there’s no reason we can’t also chow down like wizards do! Consider finding yourself some Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans (substitute Jelly Belly, if you must) or some chocolate frogs (chocolates in a frog-shaped mold can always do the trick!) to really get a taste of what the wizarding world is like. And don’t forget, no magical gathering is complete without butterbeer! Grab some of your own online (search for “non-alcoholic butterscotch beer") or at a store gearing up for Cursed Child release parties, like Books-a-Million! If you’d rather make your own, there are plenty of excellent recipes online, like this one!

4. Grab a Wand and Practice Your Spells

Every wizard must have his or her own wand! You can find fun replicas of those used by the cast or get one that lights up to mimic casting spells. Once your wand has chosen you, practice up on a few of your spells and jinxes and have a wizard duel with your friends! It will be a true test of your Harry Potter knowledge and a fun way to kill time before the midnight release!

5. Listen to Some Wizard Rock

Never heard of wizard rock? Boy, you are surely missing out! This is an entire genre of music dedicated entirely to Harry Potter! It is comprised of both parodies of other popular songs and original songs by bands such as Harry and the Potters, The Ministry of Magic, The Whomping Willows, etc. Find the style you like and jam to songs about the Marauders, quidditch, or defeating Voldemort!

6. Have a Movie Marathon

Watch every Harry Potter movie. Back to Back. Marathoning all eight of them will be the true test of how big of a Harry Potter fan you are, but if you succeed, great honor and boasting rights will come your way. But really, having a marathon of all the movies can be a great way to bond with friends or family who love the story as much as you do or maybe who just want to get a taste for what you like. Settle down with the yummy wizarding snacks from tip #3 and get started—it’ll only take you 19 hours and 40 minutes.

7. Take a Trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter™

If you live near Universal Studios or can squeeze it into your summer vacation, visit the Wizarding World for a day! I promise you there is no way to feel closer to the magic of the Harry Potter books and movies than by quite literally living them. Between Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley, you can shop for your Hogwarts supplies, take a wild ride through Gringotts, have lunch at the Three Broomsticks, and even exchange your money for wizard currency that you can use in the park! And if you have a special pass, you can ride the Hogwarts Express from one park to the other to explore both Hogsmeade AND Diagon Alley in the same day. It is a trip well worth taking.

8. Pre-order Cursed Child

In the crazy mess of a midnight release, there is no guarantee you will receive a copy of the very book you are there to get, unless you pre-order it! Apparate over to your local bookstore right away and pre-order your copy today to ensure you’ll be able to get it after long hours of wizard parties leading up to it. You don’t want to miss your chance to get your hands on the best thing since frozen butterbeer.

9. Stock Up on Tissues

There will be tears. It’s a new Harry Potter book after nearly a decade, what could you expect? Rowling herself said that you will cry. So make sure you pick up some tissues on your way to grab your copy of the book, as no one wants their wizard robes ruined by Rowling-induced tears.

10. Get Yourself to a Bookstore on the 31

Most importantly of all, get to a bookstore on the night of July 31! There are bookstores everywhere having special release parties for the book and you don’t want to miss the promised evening of wizarding fun! Whether you have to walk, run, fly, apparate or steal your parents’ Ford Anglia, get to a bookstore!

I hope that these ten tips have helped you get super excited for this magical new release, whether you already had them all planned or if I gave you just a few ideas. Gather all your friends, Potterheads or reluctant recruits, and have a magical time. And remember—we only wait till November for the next big wizarding world release after this one. Keep your wands at the ready. For now, mischief managed.

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