With summer coming up and a ton of college kids scrambling to find last minute jobs and internships, I thought it would be fun to make a list of things that have helped me land some pretty cool jobs and internships in the past couple years.
Whether you are going to an interview in person, you have one scheduled over the phone, or anything in between, interviews are a “make it or break it” for every job.
After countless interviews personally, being on the employer side for interviews as EIC for Odyssey, and lots of advice...I have found these tips to help me nail every interview.
1. When the employer asks if you have any questions, ALWAYS ask one.
This is one that I have just recently been paying more attention to, and man does it makes a difference. As you may have caught on by now, after very interview the employer always asks, "Do you have any questions?". NEVER SAY NO! If you don't ask any questions the employer may think that you aren't interested/don't want to learn more about the company, even if that isn't the case.
2. Don’t look around.
In an interview, and also just in life in general, making eye contact while talking to someone is so critical. Not making eye contact during an interview will make the employer feel like you are uninterested or uncomfortable.
3. Stay confident (even if you totally aren’t).
Confidence is key in any interview. When you are confident you are not only more comfortable and relaxed, but also more attentive and willing to talk. Even if you aren't the most confident person, you just gotta 'fake it till ya make it' and go into the interview with killer confidence.
4. Assure the employer that you 100% want the job.
Make the employer think that this job is your DREAM job. Even if it is just a part time job at a fast food place to make some extra cash, you want to showcase yourself like this job is what you have been dreaming of your whole life. If you look iffy about wanting the job, the employer will give your spot to someone else who wants it more.
5. Look the part.
This one might be a no-brainer, but when you go to an interview be sure to dress accordingly. Obviously you always want to look presentable, clean, and well dressed, but also you want to "look the part". By that, I mean if you are going to an interview for something like a teen fashion magazine for example, look trendy and colorful.
6. Have a good attitude and mindset.
Attitude is everything, and a good employer can recognize a good attitude vs. a bad attitude the second you walk in the door. You can't go into an interview with a bad attitude and the mindset that you aren't going to get the job...or else you really won't get it. Even if you are having the worst day ever, you got to walk in like it is your best.
7. Hype yourself up, but keep it relevant.
When getting interviewed they will ask you a lot about yourself. Obviously throughout our lives we do a ton of stuff, so when they ask you what you've done, instead of going on and on about every single thing you've done, focus on your best few things and go into detail on those.
8. Research the company prior to the interview.
Make sure before you go to your interview that you know the background and basics of the company and position you are applying for. You want to be educated on the company so that there are no surprises when you walk into the interview. Also, the employer will be appreciative that you did some extra research before walking in the door.
9. Thank the employer after the interview and follow up.
It is so important to thank the employer when your interview is done to thank them for taking the time out of their day to meet with you. They will appreciate it so much! Also, sending a short email after the interview following up will make you look professional and even more interested in the position.
10. SMILE!
Job interviews can be scary, but don't freak out and be a robot throughout the entire interview. Smile a little and be authentic! The employer will be happy to see it.